



From 17 Sep 2018 to 16 Oct 2018

05 Oct 2018

17:44 Slug #1229 (New): append is slow
Creating a long list by calling @append@ in a loop has run-time quadratic in the final list length.
John Abbott
17:43 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
It does not really matter how we evaluate @LHS := RHS@.
Either side could be expensive to evaluate. Publicly we sho...
John Abbott

04 Oct 2018

09:01 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
My proposal in comment 11 is *bad* because, for instance, the computation of an index may be lengthy or may have side... John Abbott

03 Oct 2018

15:03 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
John Abbott wrote:
> I would hope that checking writability is cheap...
We will make some checks.
I want to desi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:43 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
Here is an alternative to my comment about the semantics of assignment (in comment 7):
# check that @LHS@ is writabl...
John Abbott
14:27 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
Yes, we cannot (and probably should not) stop the user from "shooting himself in the foot".
But CoCoA-5 should never...
John Abbott

02 Oct 2018

19:43 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
John Abbott wrote:
> I am inclined to think that a user who writes an assignment @LHS := RHS;@ where evaluating @RHS...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:05 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
A potential disadvantage of my proposed semantics is that if the RHS is expensive to evaluate, and the LHS is "obviou... John Abbott
16:51 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
Now I fear there may be some "strange" situations in which nasty things may occur:... John Abbott
15:46 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
I have changed @IndexedAccess::assignmentNeedsOwnership@ so that it gives @false@.
The loop is much faster (0.001s a...
John Abbott
15:26 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
In @Interpreter.C@ around line 2065 there is:... John Abbott
15:20 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
I have used profiling to confirm that the list is indeed copied (but why???)
The test code is:...
John Abbott

01 Oct 2018

11:16 Slug #1228 (In Progress): SLUG: filling an array
I have just tried the third loop again, but after making the list @sieve@ twice as long, and the loop takes almost tw... John Abbott

30 Sep 2018

10:11 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
I forgot to mention that @N := 9699690@ (product of all primes up to 20).
The third loop is *APPALLINGLY SLOW*, *...
John Abbott
10:08 Slug #1228 (In Progress): SLUG: filling an array
It seems that assigning to an array element is surprisingly slow.
Look at the timings in the following session:
John Abbott

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