



From 16 Nov 2016 to 15 Dec 2016

14 Dec 2016

11:40 Feature #993 (In Progress): New function: RingQQi()? extension of QQ with imaginary unit
It would be handy to have @RingQQi()@ (or @NewRingQQi()@).
Very simple to do in CoCoA5 (in this case it has to be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Dec 2016

16:53 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I think it is probably better to copy explicitly the files we want in the distribution, rather than copy everything a... John Abbott

08 Dec 2016

20:08 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
The files to check for changes should be @CoCoAHelp.xml@, @aux-files/GUI_help.xsl@, and the files in @aux-files/GUI-e... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:13 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
It may be enough to create (using @touch@?) two sentinel files: one immediately before producing all the HTML files, ... John Abbott
13:10 Slug #991 (Closed): make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
It is mildly annoying that the @htmldoc@ target is always rebuilt even if there was no change to the file @CoCoAHelp.... John Abbott

07 Dec 2016

07:53 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
John Abbott wrote:
> I imagine that @README@ is not needed; all the permissions look wrong to me!
@README@ shoul...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Dec 2016

15:01 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I am trying to write a @make install@ target for CoCoA-5, and this involves copying the manual.
Rather than blindly ...
John Abbott
14:55 Design #990 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I have noticed that several files inside our source tree have wrong permissions:
* all @source.C@ files should have ...
John Abbott
14:50 Design #990 (Closed): CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I have had a quick look at the files in the distribution of CoCoA-5.1.5, and I think some tidying is needed.
* Sever...
John Abbott

01 Dec 2016

11:36 Design #989 (In Progress): init file obligatory?
If it can be done quickly, I see no objection to having a *@--no-packages@* option.
I am not entirely happy about ...
John Abbott
11:32 Feature #988 (Resolved): Makefile: install target for cocoa5
I have opted to use a symbolic link from @/usr/local/bin/cocoa5@ to the actual script which does the work (_e.g._ @/u... John Abbott

30 Nov 2016

23:35 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
I have built what seems to be a portable 32-bit executable of @CoCoAInterpreter@ on the Linux VM (on my old MacBook).... John Abbott
21:23 Feature #988 (In Progress): Makefile: install target for cocoa5
I now think that it might be simpler to make @/usr/local/bin/cocoa5@ a (symbolic?) link to @/usr/local/bin/cocoa-5.1.... John Abbott
21:13 Feature #988: Makefile: install target for cocoa5
I have just checked in a first attempt at making an @install@ target for CoCoA-5.
Currently the destination director...
John Abbott
07:42 Design #989: init file obligatory?
When I added @init.cocoa5@ I did not consider the possibility of calling cocoa passing explicitely an empty directory... Anna Maria Bigatti
07:34 Design #989: init file obligatory?
John Abbott wrote:
> In my tree @init.cocoa5@ contains 9 lines, but only 2 (or perhaps 3) actually do anything usefu...
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Nov 2016

23:23 Design #989: init file obligatory?
The critical section of source code appears to be around line 126 of @Main.C@.
(call to @perror@)
John Abbott
23:12 Design #989: init file obligatory?
In my tree @init.cocoa5@ contains 9 lines, but only 2 (or perhaps 3) actually do anything useful.
I suggest keepin...
John Abbott
23:10 Design #989: init file obligatory?
I found this while trying to create a "quick start" CoCoA-5 by giving it an empty directory as the place to look for ... John Abbott
23:04 Design #989 (In Progress): init file obligatory?
Currently the @CoCoAInterpreter@ requires that there be a file @init.cocoa5@ in the same directory as the packages.
John Abbott
23:19 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Has the blas-free version been put on the website?
John Abbott
23:17 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
The instructions for installing CoCoA-5 on linux still need improvement!
* what to do with the file @cocoa-XYZ.tar...
John Abbott
18:32 Feature #988: Makefile: install target for cocoa5
This will be a little complicated because we need to install both the executable and the packages, and also tell the ... John Abbott
18:19 Feature #988 (Closed): Makefile: install target for cocoa5
Zoltan kovacs would like to install both CoCoALib and CoCoA-5.
Currently the @install@ target in the Makefile instal...
John Abbott

28 Nov 2016

13:52 Support #985: Microsoft (Windows 10, maybe other versions): more help for installation
Ablamovicz's email was sent on 2016-11-28.
It might be enough to supply a simple *@example.cocoa5@* file which can...
John Abbott
13:48 Support #985 (New): Microsoft (Windows 10, maybe other versions): more help for installation
Recently Rafal Ablamowicz reported problems with installing CoCoA-5 (with emacs) on a windows 10 computer.
He had ...
John Abbott

26 Nov 2016

18:08 Design #984: GroebnerFanIdeals: order matrices sometimes have "large" entries
I noticed that in this example the order matrices always have strictly positive entries in the first row. Are zeroes... John Abbott
18:02 Design #984: GroebnerFanIdeals: order matrices sometimes have "large" entries
Here is the same example as in issue #973... John Abbott
17:51 Design #984 (In Progress): GroebnerFanIdeals: order matrices sometimes have "large" entries
After using @GroebnerFanIdeals@, I noticed that some order matrices can have quite "large" entries (_e.g._ greater th... John Abbott
17:46 Design #917: CallOnGroebnerFanIdeals: better to use an iterator (or a "stream")
After recently delving into the source code for the interpreter to handle interrupts as I'd originally intended, I am... John Abbott

25 Nov 2016

17:28 Bug #981: SqFreeFactor: small (or big) bug?
Works on other examples (used in factorization over algebraic extensions).
Thanks! great!
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:59 Bug #981: SqFreeFactor: small (or big) bug?
Added Anna's example to CoCoA-5 @tests/exbugs.cocoa5@. Checked in.
John Abbott
16:46 Bug #981 (Resolved): SqFreeFactor: small (or big) bug?
I have modified @SparsePolyRingBase::myGCD@ to handle specially only if coeffs are @IsRingFp@; previously it just tes... John Abbott
16:22 Bug #981 (Closed): SqFreeFactor: small (or big) bug?
This example gives error (others seem to work fine)... Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Nov 2016

19:12 Feature #980: CoeffSize: function to measure the size of coeffs in a poly
Maybe the one I wrote could then be called @NumDenSize10@?
I still think it is useful, for a human, to know that.
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:01 Feature #980: CoeffSize: function to measure the size of coeffs in a poly
Anna has put a first prototype in @experimental.cpkg5@; it follows the original defn. It is deliberately not documen... John Abbott
18:51 Feature #980: CoeffSize: function to measure the size of coeffs in a poly
The definition originally proposed in email was to return a pair of integers being effectively @[max(FloorLog10(num(c... John Abbott
18:38 Feature #980 (In Progress): CoeffSize: function to measure the size of coeffs in a poly
In email Anna proposed a function, tentatively named @CoeffSize@, to measure the size of the coeffs in a poly (over @... John Abbott
13:46 Slug #405 (Feedback): ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
GBasis is now exactly ReducedGBasis.
(still an error on RingWeyl, though, where it is not interreduced)
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:43 Slug #405: ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
John Abbott wrote:
> [translated from an email written in italian]
> Here is a potentially important point. Fo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:13 Slug #405: ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
[translated from an email written in italian]
Here is a potentially important point. For simplicity I consider th...
John Abbott
13:05 Slug #405: ReducedGBasis not memorized in an ideal
Anna now reports that @GBasis@ actually produces an irredundant fully reduced GBasis; the only step missing for makin... John Abbott
13:02 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
I now think that the "universal" denominator is valid for any monic basis which contains a RGB as subset (since the o... John Abbott

23 Nov 2016

16:44 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
I wonder how "universal" @UniversalRGBDenom@ is? Does it also apply to all Janet Bases? And Pommaret Basis (if it e... John Abbott
13:32 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
John Abbott wrote:
> The name *@UniversalRGBDenominator@* is OK for me.
> I note that there are already two "de...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:19 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
The name *@UniversalRGBDenominator@* is OK for me.
I note that there are already two "denominator" functions: *@de...
John Abbott
07:41 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
John Abbott wrote:
> I'm still hoping to find a better name than @UniversalDenominator@; I feel that it ought to con...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:55 Support #973 (Feedback): GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Now prints "*" with verbosity >=10 /// updated... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:53 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Added @GroebnerFanReducedGBases@.
For the "*" I could use the new "VerbosityLevel". Working on it.
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Nov 2016

15:34 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
I have implemented @SmallestNonDivisor@ (see #979).
I'm still hoping to find a better name than @UniversalDenomina...
John Abbott
07:42 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
The other functions should be called @UniversalDenominator(I)@ and @SmallestExcellentPrime(I)@. Anna Maria Bigatti
13:09 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Out of curiosity.... Does GFan produce order matrices with smallest possible non-negative entries?
In the example fr...
John Abbott
11:25 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
I have rewritten the man page for @GroebnerFanIdeals@ (and already checked in, if I recall correctly).
John Abbott
07:36 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> One possibility, for small examples (or for convincing the user it is not a good idea ;-...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:32 Feature #964: New function: MakeMultiset?
John Abbott wrote:
> What applications do you have in mind?
I haven't yet replied because I cannot remember... I ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Nov 2016

14:44 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
John Abbott wrote:
> I think the confusion came from the way the documentation is worded.
> I have rerun the ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:27 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
I think the confusion came from the way the documentation is worded.
I have rerun the example from comment 2, and ...
John Abbott
09:40 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
It would be nice to have as result the list of ideals *generated* by the reduced GBases, but in that way (in CoCoA-5!... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:41 Feature #978: CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
Some aspects to consider when deciding the semantics:
* we may assume that the result is positive (if coeffs in @QQ@...
John Abbott
14:34 Feature #978: CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
In fact there is already an undocumented builtin fn called @CommonDenom@, but only for RINGELEM. The fn also exists ... John Abbott
14:32 Feature #978 (Closed): CommonDenom: for polys and lists?
Should there be a function called *@CommonDenom@* (or something similar)?
For polynomials? For lists of polynomials?
John Abbott
09:47 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
I copied John's code for further experiments in our working dir MinPoly2016, file @Deltone.cocoa5@. CVS-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
09:36 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
By John Abbott:
Robbiano suggested that it could be interesting to find the first (or at least a smallish) good pr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:35 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
By John Abbott:
Does this code correctly compute the "universal denominator" for the ideal I?...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:33 Support #977 (In Progress): "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
[Coming from our recent work on MinPoly]
It would be interesting to investigate the "universal denominator" of an id...
Anna Maria Bigatti

18 Nov 2016

22:20 Feature #865: Implicit: make easier to use with rational functions
Is there any reasonable chance of finishing this for the upcoming version? Or should we postpone it? John Abbott
22:14 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Michael Wheat reports that Anna's compilation (without libblas) works fine for him.
Does that mean we can make pro...
John Abbott
22:10 Feature #964: New function: MakeMultiset?
What applications do you have in mind?
In some ways it is not so different from a "factorization".
John Abbott
22:02 Support #973 (In Progress): GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
moved to #977
Robbiano suggested that it could be interesting to find the first (or at least a smallish) good prim...
John Abbott
21:54 Feature #744: Handle interrupts more helpfully
The GUI seems to work tolerably well too.
There is a problem with underlining some expressions, but that problem e...
John Abbott
20:50 Feature #744 (Resolved): Handle interrupts more helpfully
I have just checked in a version of CoCoA-5 that should handle interrupts more nicely.
I have added a new handler ...
John Abbott

17 Nov 2016

22:52 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
moved to #977
Does this code correctly compute the "universal denominator" for the ideal I? (...)
John Abbott
16:25 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
John Abbott wrote:
> I tried @GroebnerFanIdeals@ on the following input:
> [...]
> The resulting list @GF@ has 195...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
I tried @GroebnerFanIdeals@ on the following input:... John Abbott
15:28 Support #973: GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
I have given this a higher priority because I think it will be quick and easy to resolve.
@Anna: can you do it? (b...
John Abbott
15:27 Support #973 (Closed): GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
Two mild criticisms:
* it prints out an asterisk for each fan ideal found
* the generators of the ideals are not mo...
John Abbott

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