



From 30 May 2016 to 28 Jun 2016

22 Jun 2016

16:56 Bug #748 (Feedback): Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
Anna says it seems to work mostly OK for her (on emacs 22 or 23). She did report a problem with sending only part of... John Abbott

17 Jun 2016

14:39 Design #83: C++11 compatibility questions
What is the difference between issues #82 and #83 (this one)? John Abbott

16 Jun 2016

11:46 Bug #748: Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
I have a possible solution: I have copied @comint-get-old-input-default@ into @cocoa5.el@ then edited it so that it a... John Abbott

15 Jun 2016

16:59 Bug #748 (In Progress): Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
A possible work-around seems to be to set @comint-use-prompt-regexp@ to @t@.
The implementation of @comint-get-old...
John Abbott
13:59 Bug #748: Emacs UI: return inside a block of output sends several lines (not just the one I'm on)
This continues to bother me; it seems to be a "feature" of emacs 24.5 (on several machines).
Strangely I looked on i...
John Abbott
14:13 Feature #95: Error/warning if fn-proc is neither fn nor proc?
Here is a simple test case:... John Abbott
13:55 Support #890 (In Progress): ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
I am guessing that @ImportByRef@ and @ImportByValue@ may be used only for importing local variables in an outer lexic... John Abbott
13:47 Support #890: ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
While @TopLevel@ and @ImportByRef@ are very similar there is a difference: namely, that @TopLevel@ will search only i... John Abbott
13:42 Support #890 (Closed): ImportByRef and ImportByValue behave in an unexpected manner (i.e. fail when I think they should succeed)
While cleaning, I found some old CoCoA-5 "bugs". In this case there are two simple examples where @ImportByRef@ give... John Abbott

14 Jun 2016

09:42 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
John Abbott wrote:
> In fact, I would be tempted to make the version which needs @libblas@ less immediately obvious;...
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Jun 2016

20:56 Bug #755: Find out how to compile statically on linux
Until we resolve this issue I would suggest making publicly available a minimal version of CoCoA-5 which does not dep... John Abbott
20:38 Bug #757: readline: fix script for finding libreadline
I have modified the @readline@ scripts so that they accept only absolute paths as input. Recall that there can be pr... John Abbott
19:25 Bug #757 (Resolved): readline: fix script for finding libreadline
I have hacked the various scripts, and now it works on my MacBook.
However, I have just re-read the earlier commen...
John Abbott

06 Jun 2016

00:26 Feature #888: Escaped newline to allow a long line to be split into several "physical lines"
Unfortunately there are probably some places where backslash-newline cannot be blindly inserted without changing the ... John Abbott
00:15 Feature #888: Escaped newline to allow a long line to be split into several "physical lines"
I have just checked what happens with @bash@ (which also uses the backslash-newline convention): it may appear inside... John Abbott
00:05 Feature #888: Escaped newline to allow a long line to be split into several "physical lines"
I was surprised not to find this issue already in redmine; I'm sure we have talked about it (in the distant past... p... John Abbott
00:00 Feature #888 (New): Escaped newline to allow a long line to be split into several "physical lines"
Some languages allow long lines to be split into several "physical lines" by inserting an escaped-newline which is si... John Abbott
23:50 Slug #875 (In Progress): Interpreter is too slow reading a big polynomial
I have taken one of Mario's big polys: this one is about 6Mbyte when printed out.
I tried to ways of converting th...
John Abbott
21:58 Slug #875: Interpreter is too slow reading a big polynomial
The solution to use @ReadExpr(P, "poly-as-a-string")@ works tolerably well from the point of view of the interpreter,... John Abbott

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