



From 02 Jun 2015 to 01 Jul 2015

01 Jul 2015

18:11 Feature #744 (Closed): Handle interrupts more helpfully
Currently the C5 interpreter catches @CoCoA::InterruptReceived@ as it should, but it gives no message to the user. A... John Abbott
15:26 Slug #741: C5 GUI: slow to close
In file @C5.C:1000@ there is a function @MainWindow::closeEvent@
JAA thinks that this is probably the function ne...
John Abbott

30 Jun 2015

15:57 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
Probably we can implement this:... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:44 Slug #741: C5 GUI: slow to close
Found this @C5.C:931@... John Abbott
15:25 Slug #741 (In Progress): C5 GUI: slow to close
Closing is practically instant if I do first a "Clear output window" and then close the C5 GUI. This suggests that c... John Abbott
15:18 Slug #741: C5 GUI: slow to close
The GUI is slow to close also after simply computing and printing @(x+y+z+1)^99@.
JAA think that this confirms tha...
John Abbott
15:20 Feature #732 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
syntax now aligned with Elisa Palezzato's code Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 Feature #359 (Closed): RingOf for list
all done Anna Maria Bigatti
14:47 Feature #359 (Feedback): RingOf for list
OK for "RingsOf". Changing manual and making "RingSet" obsolscent Anna Maria Bigatti
14:19 Feature #622 (Closed): New function: RandomSubset
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 Feature #485 (Closed): Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
No news on this topic for a long time: I guess that's good enough! ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti
11:30 Feature #733 (In Progress): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:29 Feature #733: Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
Added the package in the distribution. Still missing: documentation, proper handling for big prime characteristic (a... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:27 Feature #719 (Feedback): Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Tried: it works fine for me. Close? Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Jun 2015

14:01 Design #490: Duplicate fns: valuation and FactorMultiplicity
The implementations appear to allow the factor (whose multiplicity is to be computed) to be composite. If the factor... John Abbott
07:52 Design #490: Duplicate fns: valuation and FactorMultiplicity
I like it as it is:... Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Jun 2015

21:29 Design #490: Duplicate fns: valuation and FactorMultiplicity
Just to make life more entertaining...
* @FactorMultiplicity@ is defined in @GCDFreeBasis.cpkg5@, and does not requi...
John Abbott
21:06 Design #490 (In Progress): Duplicate fns: valuation and FactorMultiplicity
After looking on Wikipedia, it seems that *valuation* is a fairly advanced concept with several different (but relate... John Abbott
21:00 Support #654 (Closed): Rename adjoint to adjugate???
John Abbott
18:49 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have added a new command flag *@--no-readline@*; it seems to work as desired.
I have also modified @cocoa5.el@ s...
John Abbott

26 Jun 2015

17:55 Bug #345 (Closed): Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
moving the line seems to have solved the problem of "pending interrupt".
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 Bug #345: Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
John Abbott wrote:
> I have found this line at @Interpreter.C:2740@
> [...]
> It appears to be executed only ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:01 Bug #345: Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
I have found this line at @Interpreter.C:2740@... John Abbott
08:23 Bug #345: Interpreter interrupt delayed confusingly
Is this a possible solution?
The interpreter checks //before starting a computation// for (un-caught) interruption a...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:24 Feature #590 (Closed): package for subalgebras
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 Slug #741: C5 GUI: slow to close
The window closes quickly if you do not first compute (and print) @Fact(100000)@.
Needs more investigation to discov...
John Abbott
15:09 Slug #741 (Closed): C5 GUI: slow to close
The C5 GUI can be VERY slow to close (while making intensive use of the processor) in some circumstances.
Here is ...
John Abbott
12:16 Design #668 (Feedback): Remove keyword "weights"?
seems effectively done: close this issue? Anna Maria Bigatti
12:13 Bug #643 (Closed): GenRepr fails if there are zero generators
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:00 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
One problem is how to make it easy to use an elimination ordering.
Currently one has to write:...
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jun 2015

21:15 Feature #737: Elementary transcendental functions (sin, cos, tan, log, exp)
JAA thinks it could occasionally be handy to have such functions available from inside CoCoA-5.
Martin gave little...
John Abbott
21:12 Feature #737 (In Progress): Elementary transcendental functions (sin, cos, tan, log, exp)
Martin Kreuzer says one of his students produced a C4 package for computing approximate values of transcendental func... John Abbott

11 Jun 2015

08:28 Feature #732 (Feedback): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
mostly done (with some more cleaning and testing to do) Anna Maria Bigatti
08:25 Feature #732 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
Luis Garcia wrote a package for CoCoA-4. Port it to CoCoA-5. Anna Maria Bigatti
08:27 Feature #734 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: zero dimensional, zero characteristic
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:26 Feature #733 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
First prototype Anna Maria Bigatti
08:23 Feature #731 (In Progress): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5
Implement Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5 Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Jun 2015

14:22 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
> *REPLY (JAA)* I think what confused me was that in the CoCoA-5 output window the cursor was at the end of the outpu... Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Jun 2015

11:46 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
John Abbott wrote:
> I recently tried using @C-c C-p@ and found it unhelpful; so I "stupidly" tried it a second time,...
Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Jun 2015

23:04 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
I recently tried using @C-c C-p@ and found it unhelpful; so I "stupidly" tried it a second time, and found that it wa... John Abbott
22:58 Bug #727 (In Progress): Emacs UI: send-file (C-c C-f) should check if buffer and file are synchronized
The emacs command @C-c C-f@ send a @source@ command to CoCoA-5, so CoCoA-5 reads the file on disk which may not be th... John Abbott
22:39 Bug #726: TopLevel cannot "import" a package variable
I think a "global variable" is a reasonable design for this task.
There is a "philosophical" question: is a qualif...
John Abbott
22:34 Bug #726 (Closed): TopLevel cannot "import" a package variable
I would like to have a user controllable "verbosity level" in a package. How should this be done?
I had thought o...
John Abbott

02 Jun 2015

22:43 Bug #724 (In Progress): RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
It is not quite as easy as I had hoped. Every so often zero polynomials pop up in awkward places (_e.g._ to be facto... John Abbott
17:06 Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
I have disabled the zero-dimensionality check if the coeff ring is a finite field.
In one simple test that seems t...
John Abbott
15:55 Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
Is it just enough to skip the check for zero-dimensionality in this case?
(if so, that's a really simple fix)
John Abbott
15:53 Bug #724 (Closed): RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
I ran the example given in issue #723 which tries to compute all rational solutions over a finite field of a homogene... John Abbott
16:35 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Yes and no. I thought the topic had come up recently, but did not find it on redmine.
Perhaps the manual page for @...
John Abbott
16:18 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Is this what you want? (From the manual ;-)... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:45 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
The existing function @indets("s")@ almost does what I want except that the result is a list rather than an @INTMAP@.... John Abbott
15:39 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Here is an example I want to run (NB it is very slow)... John Abbott
15:35 Feature #723 (New): Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
I would like to be able to refer to multi-index indets in a poly ring using their multiple indices... where the ring ... John Abbott
13:19 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
A commandline option to disable readline is probably a good idea. It is the most flexible.
You can then also add some...
Christof Soeger
13:11 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have just read some documentation for @readline@ and also looked online. We're not the first people to have proble... John Abbott
12:45 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Clearly, I was too hasty with my hack to add @readline@ :-(
I know @READLINE@ appears twice at the start -- don't ...
John Abbott
12:05 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
And it also works fine for me. Is it also possible to include a tab-completion? :)
Only problem is that the tests of...
Christof Soeger
11:27 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
My first try was not successfull. Durign the configure I got... Christof Soeger

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