



From 18 Apr 2012 to 17 May 2012

17 May 2012

21:41 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> So the best is *@IsTrueGCDDomain@* it is the shortest of the type @Is***GCDDomain@ (and ...
John Abbott
18:32 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
> Almost all our suggestions are rather long; perhaps this does not matter so much? Maybe we should just choose one,... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Another suggestion: *IsValidGCDDomain* (by L.Robbiano)
I'm not very convinced; I'd...
John Abbott
17:33 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
John Abbott wrote:
> However, if we regard fields as not "gcd domains" then what name should be use to mean "gcd doma...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 Bug #162 (Closed): RegularityIndex <= 0
RegularityIndex is not complete/correct... Anna Maria Bigatti

16 May 2012

18:20 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA believes that *@myGcdInField@* was created for the following reason.
In CoCoALib fields satisfy *@IsGCDDomain@...
John Abbott
16:15 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
> JAA thinks that
> *we can compute GCDs between values of type @RAT@*
> should be equivalent to
> *we can compute GC...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA thinks that
> *we can compute GCDs between values of type @RAT@*
should be equivalent to
> *we can compute...
John Abbott
15:31 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
There is one other imstance where @myGCDInField@ is called.
*@ex-RingElem1@* attempts to compute a GCD in a field (a...
John Abbott
15:01 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA modified @RingBase::myGcdInField@ to give error rather than produce a result of 0/1. All CoCoALib tests passed, ... John Abbott

15 May 2012

22:51 Bug #159 (Resolved): Multiplicity sometimes wrong
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:54 Bug #159 (Closed): Multiplicity sometimes wrong
It seems to work OK for monomial ideals, but...... John Abbott
22:10 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA cannot find the manual page for *@AsRAT@* (ditto *@AsINT@*).
The only occurrence in @CoCoAHelp.xml@ is in a @<s...
John Abbott
21:13 Bug #158 (Resolved): May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA has checked in the modified defn of *@AsRAT@*.
The question of the names of @AsRAT@ and @IsRational@ remains o...
John Abbott
17:41 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
John Abbott wrote:
> It seems reasonable to me that *@AsRAT@* give either error or a @RAT@ as result -- after all it ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:16 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA has modified the defn of *@AsRAT@* so that it returns a @RAT@ even if the arg given was an @INT@. All the CoCoA-... John Abbott
15:04 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA was wondering how to convert a value of type @INT@ into the equivalent value of type @RAT@. Recall that arithmet... John Abbott
14:56 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
*@AsRAT@* is defined at lines 31--39 of the file @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@.
[updating the defn should be pretty easy]
John Abbott
14:51 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
It seems reasonable to me that *@AsRAT@* give either error or a @RAT@ as result -- after all it is a sort of "cast". ... John Abbott
16:52 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
In CoCoALib we have the function @myGcdInField@, so we can compute gcd of elements in RingQQ. So, what shouldwe do i... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:17 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
The code now works: *@type(gcd([2,3,4])@* is of type @INT@.
Also @lcm@ has been fixed accordingly.
It does not se...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 Bug #110 (Resolved): Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 May 2012

15:03 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna thinks she can fix the reading of homogeneous lists; she will look into it in the next few days.
John Abbott
14:06 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA thinks that introducing a separate name for the function for computing GCD of integers is a *bad* idea because it... John Abbott
12:23 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA proposes that reading of homogeneous lists have three possible return types:
* list of @INT@
* list of @RAT@
John Abbott
12:14 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Today some students passed with a CoCoA-5 problem which derived from the unexpected return type of *@gcd@* applied to... John Abbott
14:45 Bug #158 (Closed): May AsRAT produce an INT?
What type should the result of *@AsRAT(3)@* have?
At the moment @AsRAT@ returns an *@INT@* if its arg is of type *...
John Abbott

02 May 2012

18:07 Bug #148 (In Progress): C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
In emacs when an error occurs running code sent via C-c C-f (effectively "source") the user can use C-c C-p to go to ... John Abbott

24 Apr 2012

15:35 Bug #137: JAA does not like the name IndetInd
If we change to "subscript" instead of index then we must change the name of the "index" field in the result of @Inde... John Abbott
15:28 Bug #137 (Closed): JAA does not like the name IndetInd
C5 inherited from C4 the name @IndetInd@. It is the function which produces a list of "indices" from a indet, _e.g._... John Abbott

23 Apr 2012

16:55 Feature #133: Qt GUI: Make better distinction between input and output in the output window
Robbiano confirmed that the blank lines and prompts are a new "feature" of the C5 GUI produced recently by Abbott -- ... John Abbott
16:52 Feature #136 (New): GUI: Add an edit menu to the top bar (CoCoA GUI on MacOS)
Mac users expect to find drop down menus on the top menu bar.
CoCoA GUI offers no such menu for editing commands (su...
John Abbott

19 Apr 2012

17:02 Feature #133 (New): Qt GUI: Make better distinction between input and output in the output window
The following input:... John Abbott

18 Apr 2012

22:10 Bug #38: GUI: open file "with C5"
I sometimes have a similar problem with Firefox: if I double click on a @*.html@ file and Firefox was not already run... John Abbott
22:01 Bug #94: Default reason for protected variables
After trying some possibilities, my preference is now for the reason to appear in brackets, like this:... John Abbott
17:04 Bug #94: Default reason for protected variables
I suggest the following format for the error message:... John Abbott
16:52 Bug #102: Packages: should exported functions be automatically "Protect"ed?
I agree that names exported from packages should be protected (probably with the reason being that it was exported fr... John Abbott
16:31 Bug #103 (Closed): Bad error mesg using operator ":"
Corrected erroneous actual parameters in a call in @ColonExpression:implEval@ in file @Interpreter.C@.
I simply co...
John Abbott
15:58 Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
We cannot use the Iverson bracket syntax directly because it already has a meaning: @[N>0]@ will produce a list conta... John Abbott
15:46 Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
Re Automatic conversion:
* Advantages: no need to choose a name, compactness
* Disadvantages: possible ambiguity, uns...
John Abbott
14:56 Bug #100: BringIn should map only the indets in its arg
JAA suggests that @BringIn@ should be simple rather than "clever". For instance it should give an error in the follo... John Abbott

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