


Bug #1458

Updated by John Abbott about 4 years ago

I have just made @SmoothFactor@ interruptible. Testing revealed disappointing performance.

N := factorial(1000000);
facs := SmoothFactor(N,1000000); --> then manually interrupt... TAKES ALMOST 9s!

Some delay is inevitable, but 9s was long enough that I originally thought the interrupt mechanism was not working.

The situation is somewhat worse if I do the following:
N := factorial(1000);
facs := SmoothFactor(N,1000000);
N := factorial(1000000);
facs := SmoothFactor(N,1000000); --> manually interrupt... TOOK MORE THAN 1100s STILL RUNNING AFTER 900s

I thought 9s delay was bad... oh ho!

Fix this!!
