


Support #1687

Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 3 months ago

Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* Redmine Release issues: check percentages, check timings
* Finalize
* update version for cocoalib and cocoa5
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and examples and CoCoA-5..)
* check version in all documentation/manuals

* cd src/tests/; make valgrind
* cd src/CoCoA-5; make ManExamples (readline may truncate echo lines if too long)
* cvs log -d ">2020-05-01" -S -N > LOG-CoCoA.txt
* ~/shell-scripts/
* upload examples
* upload manual
* update webpage
* publish manual (arXiv? ResearchGate?)
* close release on Redmine

--> send message to facebook page
