


Slug #1737

Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 6 months ago

(1) With a ZZ^1-grading I think it is enough to compute a "wdeg-rev" ReducedGBasis
then "saturate" each element independently (cannot currently find the relevant lemma in K+R).
I think that CoCoALib does not handle this case cleverly: check what the code actually does.

(2) Moreover, do we want allow homogenization by an indet whose degree is not 1?
Sometimes this is possible:
e.g. deg(x) = 3, deg(h) = 2 then we can homogenize x^3+2*x to get x^3 + 2*x*h^3; but we cannot homogenize x^2+2*x.

My current inclination is to allow homogenization by an indet whose degree is not 1. Opinions? Comments?
