COmputational COmmutative Algebra

Herstmonceux Castle
June 3-6, 1997

First Announcement
Third Announcement
Travel Suggestions

Last update: April 22, 1997
COCOA Home Page

Second Announcement

Dear Friends,

You should all have received, by now, the first announcement concerning the meeting CoCoA-V, to be held at Herstmonceux Castle (East Sussex, England) during the week

June 2 - June 6, 1997

First an update on the


We are currently planning 1-2 Plenary sessions each day with invited one hour talks by outstanding researchers in many areas of computation in commutative algebra. We have received acceptances from the following speakers:

We are also planning a series of Demo sessions of several computer algebra systems . We have received acceptances from the following demonstrators:

In this second announcement we'd especially like to indicate what type of accommodations are available, what the costs will be and how you'll be able to make reservations.


All participants are expected to make their own reservations at the castle. There are three ways this can be done:
  1. By e-mail to:
  2. By Fax: From outside England the Fax number is 011 44 1323 834499
  3. By normal mail to: International Study Center (Room Reservations) Herstmonceux Castle Hailsham East Sussex England BN27 1RP


There are essentially two types of accommodation available:

The ensuite rooms are of a few types:

These ensuite rooms all have facilities for making coffee or tea and contain a telephone and television in addition to a shower (or bathtub), wash basin and toilet.

The standard rooms are all of the same type:

There are facilities for making tea and coffee in the kitchenettes on each floor and a TV lounge as well as ample washrooms and shower rooms on each floor. There are also public telephones available.

For both ensuite and standard rooms linens, towels, soap etc. are provided and rooms are maintained on a daily basis.

The type of room you request will be assigned on a first come, first served basis, so early reservations are recommended.

When making your reservation please specify exactly one of the following:

  1. I would like an ensuite room for one person.
  2. I would like to share an ensuite room.
  3. I would like an ensuite room for 2 people. The person accompanying me is .......
  4. I would like a standard room for 1 person.
  5. I would like to share a standard room.
  6. I would like a standard room for 2 people. The person accompanying me is ..........


All meals are included in the costs below and consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as morning and afternoon tea and coffee.

All prices are quoted in pound sterling and include five nights accommodation (Mon-Fri. nights), full meals on Tuesday through Friday and breakfast on Saturday morning.

For one person in accommodations of type A2, A3 294 pounds
For one person in accommodations of type B1 189 pounds
For two people sharing accommodations of type A1 493 pounds
(246.5 per person)
For two people sharing accommodations of type B1 353 pounds
(176.5 per person)

For those persons requiring an additional evening meal on Monday, there is an additional charge of 11.50 pounds.

There is also a registration fee for participants which will cover the costs of the Thursday evening banquet as well as some of the other expenses of the conference which are not covered by grants from the CNR of Italy, the University of Genova and Queen's University.

The registration fee will be charged as follows:

Students 30 pounds
Others 60 pounds

You should also note that payments may only be made by: credit card, sterling banker's drafts or cheques drawn on UK sterling bank accounts.
Final payments for all ACCOMODATIONS must be paid by May 31. When sending in your credit card number please be sure to include the expiration date of the card.


We would like to warmly invite anyone interested to submit an abstract for consideration as a possible talk at CoCoA-V. A Tex submission of no more than 2 pages can be sent to the Scientific Organizing Committee at:

We do not anticipate publishing Proceedings of CoCoA-V. The abstracts which are accepted as talks, will be distributed to all conference participants at the start of the meeting.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to us.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in Sussex this June!

          Best regards,

          Tony Geramita, Gianfranco Niesi, Lorenzo Robbiano