COmputational COmmutative Algebra

Herstmonceux Castle
June 3-6, 1997

Second Announcement
Third Announcement
Travel Suggestions

Last update: October 19, 1996
COCOA Home Page

First Announcement

Dear Friends,
We are happy to be able to make the formal announcement that CoCoA V will be held during the period
June 3 (Tuesday) - June 6 (Friday), 1997
(with arrivals expected on Monday, June 2 and departures on Saturday, June 7).

In a break from tradition, this year's CoCoA will be held at the International Study Centre, Herstmonceux Castle, in East Sussex, England (more about that later).


We are currently planning 1-2 Plenary sessions each day with invited one hour talks by outstanding researchers in many areas of computation in commutative algebra. We have received acceptances from the following speakers:

We are also planning a series of Demo sessions of several computer algebra systems (Macaulay 2, Singular, CoCoA,...)

There is space for a limited number of research communications and demo and we would like to encourage potential speakers to submit abstracts for consideration. (A 1/2 to 1 page abstract would be ideal.) These may be submitted by e-mail to the organizers at the following address:


As we mentioned above, the business of the conference will occupy four full days (Tuesday morning to Friday evening) and so, for those persons participating in the entire conference, we advise that they arrive sometime on Monday and plan to depart on Saturday morning. (Anyone wishing to arrive earlier or stay later will have to make special arrangements with the Castle staff ahead of time.)

Herstmonceux Castle is located 110 km. (appx. 63 miles) south of London and about 50 km from the Channel Tunnel. We shall, in the suceeding announcements, have more information about how to travel from Heathrow to the Castle. There is regular train service from London.

Our plan is to house all participants in the Castle where we will have all our meals together. A complete run-down on services available, costs, method of payment, registration fees etc. will come in the next announcement.


Herstmonceux Castle has a long history, with the settlement at "Herste" mentioned in the Doomsday Book compiled after the Norman Invasion of 1066. The name is a mix of the old Saxon name (Herste) with that of the Norman invaders (Monceux). Work began on the current structure in 1441 and it remains the oldest brick structure in England. The Castle was, for many years, the home of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

The Castle was donated to Queen's University in 1992 by Dr. Alfred and Mrs. Isabel Bader, along with substantial funds for its modernization. Dr. Bader, an Austrian Jew of Czech descent fled Europe in 1938 and arrived in England. The fortunes of war forced the British Government to deport such refugees, and in 1940 Alfred Bader arrived in an internment camp on the U.S.-Canada border. With the help of a family that had befriended him in England, Alfred Bader applied to enter university in Canada. He was rejected by both McGill and the Univeristy of Toronto but admitted to Queen's in 1941.

Following a distinguished undergraduate career at Queen's (followed by studies for an M.Sc.) Alfred Bader was accepted by and received his PhD in Chemistry from Harvard University. His successes in the business world are well documented, as is his generosity to both Queen's and Harvard Universities.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to us. If you'd like to get a look at the castle, you can do so at its website:

(and then click on "Pictorial Overview".)

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you in June.

          Best regards,

          Tony Geramita, Gianfranco Niesi, Lorenzo Robbiano