
© 2005 John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index


User documentation

The class degree is used to represent the values returned by the "deg" function applied to power products and (multivariate) polynomials. Recall that in general a degree is a value in ZZ^k; the value of k and the way the degree is computed (equiv. weight matrix) are specified when creating the PPOrdering object used for making the PPMonoid of the polynomial ring -- see the function NewPolyRing (in SparsePolyRing).

If t1 and t2 are two power products then the degree of their product is just the sum of their individual degrees; and naturally, if t1 divides t2 then the degree of the quotient is the difference of their degrees. The degree values are totally ordered using a lexicographic ordering. Note that a degree may have negative components.


A degree object may be created by using one of the following functions:


The following functions are available for objects of type degree:



The usual comparison operators may be used for comparing degrees (using the lexicographic ordering).

Maintainer documentation

So far the implementation is very simple. The primary design choice was to use C++ std::vector<>s for holding the values -- indeed a degree object is just a "wrapped up" vector of values of type degree::ElementType. For a first implementation this conveniently hides issues of memory management etc. Since I do not expect huge numbers of degree objects to created and destroyed, there seems little benefit in trying to use MemPools (except it might be simpler to detect memory leaks...) I have preferred to make most functions friends rather than members, mostly because I prefer the syntax of normal function calls.

The CheckCompatible function is simple so I made it inline. Note the type of the third argument: it is deliberately not (a reference to) a std::string because I wanted to avoid calling a ctor for a std::string unless an error is definitely to be signalled. I made it a private static member function so that within it there is free access to myCoords, the data member of a degree object; also the call degree::CheckCompatible makes it clear that it is special to degrees.

As is generally done in CoCoALib the member function mySetComponent only uses CoCoA_ASSERT for the index range check. In contrast, the non-member fn SetComponent always performs a check on the index value. The member fn operator[] also always performs a check on the index value because it is the only way to get read access to the degree components. I used MachineInt as the type for the index to avoid the nasty surprises C++ can spring with silent conversions between various integer types.

In implementations of functions on degrees I have preferred to place the lengths of the degree vectors in a const local variable: it seems cleaner than calling repeatedly myCoords.size(), and might even be fractionally faster.

operator<< no longer handles the case of one-dimensional degrees specially so that the value is not printed inside parentheses.

Bugs, Shortcomings and other ideas

The implementation uses BigInts internally to hold the values of the degree coordinates. The allows a smooth transition to examples with huge degrees but could cause some run-time performance degradation. If many complaints about lack of speed surface, I'll review the implementation.

Is public write-access to the components of a degree object desirable? Or is this a bug?

No special handling for the case of a grading over Z (i.e. k=1) other than for printing. Is this really a shortcoming?

Printing via operator<< is perhaps rather crude? Is the special printing for k=1 really such a clever idea?

GradingDim(const degree&) seems a bit redundant, but it is clearer than "dim" or "size"

Is use of MachineInt for the index values such a clever idea?