
© 2005,2006,2010,2020 John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index

User Documentation for MemPool

General description

A MemPool provides a simple and fast memory management scheme for (small) memory blocks of fixed size. It is particularly well-suited to cases where there are many interleaved allocations and deallocations. You probably do not need to know about MemPool unless you plan to write some low-level code.

MemPools work by acquiring large loaves of memory from the system, and dividing these loaves into slices of the chosen size. A simple free-list of available slices is maintained. New loaves are acquired whenever there are no slices available to meet a request. Note that the space occupied by the loaves is returned to the system only when the MemPool object is destroyed. Also note that a MemPool simply forwards to ::operator new any request for a block of memory of size different from that specified at the creation of the MemPool object; wrong size deallocations are similarly forwarded to ::operator delete.

A MemPool with a large block size will simply forward all alloc/free requests to the system memory manager (via ::operator new and ::operator delete). Current cut-off size is MaxSliceSize = 128 (bytes).

Basic Use

The constructor for a MemPool requires that the size (in bytes) of the blocks it is to manage be specified (as the first argument). We recommend that the MemPool be given a name (second argument as a string); the name is useful only for debugging. The third argument may occasionally be useful for more advanced use.

   MemPool workspace(16); // 16 byte slices used as temporary workspaces

   MemPool MemMgr(sizeof(widget), "memmgr for widgets");

Once the MemPool has been created, a new block of memory is obtained via a call to the member function alloc, and a block of memory is freed via a call to the member function free (only to be applied to blocks previously allocated by the same MemPool). In fact, alloc and free have two variants:

    MemPool::alloc()  allocates a block of the default size for the ``MemPool``
    MemPool::alloc(sz) allocates a block of ``sz`` bytes; if ``sz`` is not the
    default size for the ``MemPool`` the request is passed on to ``::operator new``
    MemPool::free(ptr) frees a default sized block with address ``ptr``
    MemPool::free(ptr, sz) frees a block of ``sz`` bytes with address ptr, if
    ``sz`` is not the default size for the ``MemPool`` the request is passed on to
    ``::operator delete``

The variants taking an explicit block size permit MemPools to be used by a class specific operator new/delete pair (see example program below). In particular, it is not an error to ask a MemPool for a block of memory whose size differs from the size declared when the MemPool was constructed; indeed, this is a necessary capability if the MemPool is to be used inside operator new/delete. Attempting to alloc too much memory will result in a std::bad_alloc exception being thrown.

If you encounter bugs which may be due to incorrect memory management then MemPool has some facilities to help you detect various common bugs, and isolate their true causes. How to do this is described in the following section Debugging with MemPools.

It is possible to get some crude logging information from a MemPool. The global variable MemPoolFast::ourInitialVerbosityLevel indicates the verbosity level for newly created MemPools; the verbosity level of individual MemPool objects may be set explicitly by calling the member function SetVerbosityLevel. The various verbosty levels are described below in the section entitled The Verbosity Levels.

Technical note: MemPool is just a typedef for the true class name MemPoolFast (or MemPoolDebug if you enable debugging).

Debugging with MemPools

The preprocessor variable CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG can be set at compile-time to perform run-time checks and obtain debugging information and statistics: edit the obvious line near the top of include/CoCoA/PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H. Note that recompilation of all source files depending on MemPool will be necessary. When the preprocessor variable is set the typedef MemPool refers to the class MemPoolDebug -- throughout this section we shall speak simply of MemPool.

Each MemPool object maintains a record of its own level of verbosity and debug checks. Upon creation of a new MemPool object these levels are set automatically to the values of these two global variables:


The values of these globals should be set before creating any MemPools, i.e. before creating the GlobalManager (which creates the MemPools for the ring of integers and the rationals).

The ostream on which logging data is printed defaults to std::clog but may be changed to another ostream via a call like MemPoolSetLogStream(LogFile); the logging stream is global, i.e. the same for all MemPools.

Similarly the ostream on which error logs are printed defaults to std::cerr but may be changed to another ostream via a call like MemPoolSetErrStream(ErrFile); the error stream is global, i.e. the same for all MemPools.

After construction of a MemPool object its levels can be adjusted using the member functions:

    MemPool MemMgr(...);        // construct MemPool
    MemMgr.SetDebugLevel(n);    // change debug level for this object
    MemMgr.SetVerbosityLevel(n);// change verbosity level for this object

You can arrange for a MemPool to print out some summary statistics at regular intervals. The interval (in seconds) used for such messages is approximately the value of


The Verbosity Levels

To help in debugging and fine tuning, you can get some logging messages out of a MemPool; these are printed on std::clog. Here is a description of the various levels of verbosity:

Level 0
No logging information is produced (but error messages may be produced if debugging is active, see below)

Level 1
A brief message is produced upon creation of each MemPool object; and another upon destruction (including some summary statistics).

Level 2
In addition to level 1: a log message is produced for each new loaf allocated by a MemPool, including some summary statistics. This may be useful to monitor how much memory is being allocated, and how quickly.

Level 3+
In addition to level 2: a log message is produced for each allocation and deallocation of a block by a MemPool; this can be used to isolate memory leaks (see comment below).

Using Verbosity Level 3

This is a very verbose level: each allocation/deallocation gives rise to a printed message (on a single rather long line). These messages can be analyzed to help isolate when a leaked block of memory is allocated; or, in conjunction with debug level 1, it can help find when a block of memory which is written to after being freed was allocated. Note that this can produce enormous amounts of output, so you are advised to send logging output to a file. The output may be processed by the program leak_checker (in this directory) to help track down memory leaks: see the user documentation in leak_checker.txt

Each message about an alloc/free contains a sequence number: there are separate counts for calls to alloc and calls to free. If the leak_checker program indicates that there is no matching free for the N-th call to alloc then the N-th call to alloc for that particular MemPoolDebug object can be intercepted easily in a debugger by setting a breakpoint in the function MemPoolDebug::intercepted, and by calling the member function InterceptAlloc with argument N at some point before the N-th call to alloc. The N-th call to free can be intercepted in an analogous way by calling instead the member function InterceptFree. It is probably a good idea to call InterceptAlloc or InterceptFree as soon as you can after the MemPoolDebug object has been created; of course, recompilation will be necessary.

Debug Levels in MemPools

If CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG was set during compilation then each MemPool object performs some debug checking. If the checks reveal a problem then an error message is printed on GlobalErrput. Upon creation of a MemPool object, the debug level is set to the value of the global variable:


After creation the debug level can be adjusted by calling the member function SetDebugLevel; this must be called before the MemPool has allocated any space. Any attempts to change the debug level are silently ignored after the first allocation has been made.

Here are the meanings of the different levels of checking: (each higher level includes all lower levels)

Level 0
A count of the number of allocations, deallocations and active blocks is maintained: a block is active if it has been allocated but not subsequently freed. The only check is that the number of active blocks is zero when the MemPool object is destroyed; an error message is printed out only if there are some active blocks. This level is rather faster than the higher levels of debugging, but should detect the existence of leaked memory; higher levels of debugging will probably be necessary to isolate the cause of any leak.

Level 1
This level should detect several types of common error: writing just outside the allocated region, writing to a block shortly after freeing it, perhaps reading from a block shortly after freeing it, trying to free a block not allocated by the given MemPool object, perhaps reading from an uninitialized part of an allocated block. Freeing a zero pointer via a MemPool is also regarded as worthy of a warning.

When a block of memory is allocated it is filled with certain values (including small margins right before and after the requested block). The values in the margins are checked when the block is freed: anything unexpected produces an error message. A freed block is immediately filled with certain other values to help detect reading/writing to the block after it has been freed. These values are checked when the block is next reallocated.

Level 2
This level has not been tested much. It will probably be very much slower than any lower level, and is intended to help track down cases where a freed block is written to some time after it has been freed. A freed block is never reallocated, and all freed blocks are checked for being written to each time alloc or free is called; an error message is printed if a modified freed block is found. You need to be pretty desperate to use this level. A corrupted freed block is cleared to its expected free state as soon as it is reported -- so persistent writing to a freed block can be detected.

Example: Using a MemPool as the memory manager for a class

Suppose you already have a class called MyClass. Here are the changes to make so that heap-located instances of MyClass reside in slices managed by a MemPool; obviously stack-located instances cannot be managed by MemPool.

Add in the definition of MyClass (typically in the file MyClass.H):

    static MemPool myMemMgr;
    static inline void operator delete(void* DeadObject, size_t sz)
    {, sz); }
    inline void* operator new(size_t sz)
    { return myMemMgr.alloc(sz); }

The class static variable must be defined in some .C file, probably MyClass.C is the most suitable choice:

    MemPool MyClass::myMemMgr = MemPool(sizeof(MyClass));
    MemPool MyClass::myMemMgr = MemPool(sizeof(MyClass), PoolName);
    MemPool MyClass::myMemMgr = MemPool(sizeof(MyClass), PoolName, NrWordsInMargin);

PoolName is a string: it is used only in logging and error messages in debugging mode, but it might be useful when debugging even when CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG is not defined; the default name is Unnamed-MemPool.

NrWordsInMargin is used only with debugging, and can be used to alter the width of the buffer zones placed before and after each slice (default=4).

Here is a simple example program showing how MemPools can be used, and how the debugging facilities can be employed. Compile this program with CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG set, and then run it to see the error messages produced indicating improper use of memory resources.

  #include <cstddef>
  #include <iostream>
  #include <string>
  #include "CoCoA/MemPool.H"
  using CoCoA::MemPool;
  using namespace std;
  class Date
    static void operator delete(void* DeadObject, size_t sz);
    void* operator new(size_t sz);
    Date(int d=1, int m=1, int y=1900, char app[40]="??");
    ~Date() {};
    Date& operator=(const Date& rhs);
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const Date& D);
    static MemPool date_mempool;
    int day, month, year;
    char appointment[40];
  // Define new versions of new and delete for Date...
  inline void Date::operator delete(void* DeadObject, size_t sz)
  {, sz);
  inline void* Date::operator new(size_t sz)
    return date_mempool.alloc(sz);
  // We must initialize the static member Date::date_mempool...
  MemPool Date::date_mempool = MemPool(sizeof(Date), "Date_Pool", 4);
  Date::Date(int d, int m, int y, char app[40])
    day = d;
    month = m;
    year = y;
    strcpy(appointment, app);
  Date& Date::operator=(const Date& RHS)
    if (this == &RHS) return *this;
    day =;
    month = RHS.month;
    year = RHS.year;
    strcpy(appointment, RHS.appointment);
    return *this;
  ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const Date& D)
    cout << << " " << D.month << ", " << D.year << " \t";
    cout << "appointment: " << D.appointment;
    return cout;
  //------------------------------  main  ------------------------------//
  int main()
    cout << endl << "== EXAMPLE ==" << endl << endl;
    const int N = 4000;
    Date *D1[N], *D2, *D3;
    D2 = new Date;
    (*D2) = Date(6,12,1965, "compleanno");  cout << "*D2 = " << *D2 << endl;
    D3 = new Date;  cout << "*D3 = " << *D3 << endl;
    delete D2;
    delete D2;  // ERROR!  D2 already freed
    for ( int i=0 ; i<N ; i++ )    D1[i] = new Date;
    for ( int i=N-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )  delete  D1[i];
    Date *D8 = new Date[4];
    D8[0] = Date(1,4,2001, "pesce d'Aprile");
    delete D8;  // ERROR!  D8 not allocated by mempool
    // D3 not deleted -- will be detected when mempool is destroyed
    return 0;

Maintenance notes for the MemPool source code

The code for MemPoolFast and MemPoolDebug is exception-safe. The only exception this code could cause is std::bad_alloc in the member functions MakeNewLoaf or by a forwarded call to ::operator new inside the member functions alloc.

The class MemPoolFake simply forwards all allocation/deallocation calls to ::operator new/delete. It was added hastily to enable a threadsafe compilation (assuming that ::operator new and ::operator delete are themselves threadsafe).

The idea of MemPools was taken from Effective C++ by Scott Meyers, but the code here has evolved considerably from what was described in the book.

There are two virtually independent implementations: one for normal use, and one for use while debugging, the selection between the two versions is determined by the preprocessor symbol CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG: if this symbol is undefined then MemPool is a typedef for MemPoolFast otherwise it is a typedef for MemPoolDebug.

MemPoolDebug uses internally a MemPoolFast object to handle the genuine memory management operations while MemPoolDebug performs validity checks and maintains counters for various sorts of operation.

MemPoolFast and loaf

The most important member functions of MemPoolFast are alloc and free for slices of the requested size; it is vital that these be fast (on average). Amazingly, no worthwhile gain in speed was observed when I made these functions inline; sometimes inline was noticeably slower (g++ oddity?). Anyway, for simplicity I have kept them out-of-line.

The idea behind a MemPoolFast is quite simple: unused slices are strung together in a free list, the last unused slice contains a null pointer. So alloc simply returns a pointer to the first slice in the free list, while free inserts a new slice at the front of the free list. The ctor makes sure that each slice is big enough to hold at least a pointer; the first part of a free slice is used to hold the pointer to the next free slice (any remaining space in a free slice is unused).

Note that there is a conundrum in choosing the right C++ type for the slices of a loaf, since the values kept in unused slices are pointers to slices, and there is no C++ type which is a pointer to itself. The type chosen for these entries is void**: this conveys the information that they are not pointers to C++ objects while also allowing pointer arithmetic (which is not allowed on values of type void*). Nonetheless the code is necessarily peppered with casts (to convert a void*** into a void**); these are necessarily reinterpret_casts but should be absolutely safe since they are only ever applied to genuine pointers to values (or to the null pointer). Actually the reinterpret_casts could probably be replaced by two nested static_castss passing via the type void* but this would not help readability in the slightest.

What happens when a new slice is requested when the free list is empty? A new loaf is created, and cut into slices which are linked together to form a free list. A loaf is little more than a large chunk of raw memory acquired from the system (see below for more details). Note that if several loaves are in use then the freed slices from different loaves are strung together in a single free list; no attempt is made to keep slices from different loaves separate. In particular, no check is made for a loaf all of whose slices are unused; loaves are returned to the system only when the MemPool is destroyed.

Most of the data members of MemPoolFast are simple and with an obvious role. Here are a few observations about aspects which may not be completely obvious.

The data member myLoaves is an auto_ptr so that the class dtor can be simple; it also expresses the idea that the loaves pointed to are owned by the MemPoolFast object. Note that each loaf has a next pointer which is also an auto_ptr, so destroying the first loaf will destroy them all. I could not use a std::list because loaf does not have a copy ctor.

The data member myFillNewLoaf is used only when a new loaf is created (in MakeNewLoaf). If the flag is set, the slices in a new loaf are filled with the sentinel value expected by MemPoolDebug, i.e. MEMPOOL_FREE_WORD. This seemed the least obnoxious way of achieving the necessary behaviour.

The data member myVerbosityLevel was added to allow some minimal logging of resource consumption even with MemPoolFast objects: a brief message is output whenever a new loaf is acquired. It does complicate the class rather, but may be useful sometimes.

The only member functions exhibiting some complexity are: myOutputStatus uses a loop to count how many freed slices there are in each loaf, and the print out the results in GlobalLogput.

MakeNewLoaf first decides roughly how many slices the new loaf should have; creates the loaf, and inserts at the front of the list of loaves; prints out a logging message if required.

The separation of the class loaf from the class MemPoolFast is partly a historical accident -- a side-effect of the tortuous search for a tolerably clean implementation. Overall, I regard it as a fairly happy accident because no details of the the class loaf are visible in the header file.

The class loaf has a simple primary role: it owns the raw memory acquired from the system. Destroying a loaf returns the raw memory to the system. Unfortunately the implementation became rather complicated. Each loaf contains a next pointer so that loafs can be linked together in a list. I could not use a std::list since a loaf does not have a copy ctor (nor assignment); I prefer not to play dangerous games with copy ctors which destroy their arguments (non-standard semantics), and a clean copy ctor would probably be horribly inefficient. The next pointer is an auto_ptr so that destroying the first loaf in a list will actually destroy all of the loafs in that list.

To fulfil a request for logging information about utilization of slices in each loaf, I added four member functions:

    IamOriginator      - true iff arg points to a slice of this loaf
    myFreeCounterReset - reset counters to zero in this loaf list
    myCountFreeSlice   - incr my counter if slice is mine, o/w pass to next loaf
    myOutputStatus     - print out utilization stats.

Apart from IamOriginator, I would much rather these functions did not exist.

The implementation of a loaf is straightforward (but a bit messy).


The idea behind MemPoolDebug is that it should offer the same interface as MemPoolFast but will additionally perform validity checks and accumulate utilization statistics and print logging messages (if requested). The implementation is quite straightforward but rather long and messy as the code offers several levels of debug checks and logging message verbosity.

The idea behind a MemPoolDebug is that it manages slices in a manner which should help uncover incorrect use of memory: a newly allocated slice is filled with peculiar values (in case you read without first writing a sensible value there), a freed slice is immediately filled with an other peculiar value (in case you read after freeing), each slice has a small protective margin right before and after it (in case you write just outside the valid address range)... (the fill values are intended to be invalid as pointers, to help detect pointer following in uninitialized memory)

A count is kept of the number of alloc and free calls. This can help discover that some value was never freed, or maybe was freed twice. These counts are of type size_t, so they could overflow; but then you'd be a bit daft to try to debug such a large example, wouldn't you?

The default initial debugging and verbosity levels can be modified by setting the values of certain global variables -- these value are respected only if you compiled with CoCoA_MEMPOOL_DEBUG set or if you used explicitly the class MemPoolDebug rather than the typedef MemPool. These values are consulted only when a MemPoolDebug object is created. Using global variables like this make its easy to vary the debug level (without having to recompile the whole library).

All the genuine memory management operations are handled by myMemMgr, a MemPoolFast object belonging to the MemPoolDebug object. This approach avoids having two similar copies of rather delicate code.

The margin size must be fixed in the ctor because myMemMgr needs to know what size slices it must manage. The margin size for a MemPoolDebug object cannot be changed later. Distinct MemPoolDebug objects may have different margin sizes.

The debug level may be changed after construction provided no slices have been issued; trying to make the various debug levels compatible would require very careful checking (which I cannot be bothered to do).

The verbosity level can be changed at any time (since there is no reason not to allow this).

The data member myAliveOrDead was added to help protect against attempts to use an already deleted MemPoolDebug object. All public member functions check that the field myAliveOrDead contains the expected value before proceeding: a CoCoALib error is thrown if the value is wrong. The correct value for a live MemPoolDebug object is the constant MemPoolDebug::AliveMark.

The data member myHeadOfUsedList is used at the highest level of debugging. All freed slices are placed on this list so they cannot be reissued to the user. Every call then scans all these freed slices to make sure they contain the correct fill value. This is intended to help discover writes to freed memory long after the slice has been freed. This level gets very slow on larger examples.

Bugs, Shortcomings, etc

2020-12-03: added auto-forwarding to system mem mgr for large blocks.

Idea for better locality of reference: keep two free lists, one for the most recent loaf, and one for all older loaves. When most recent loaf fills up, create and use a new loaf unless the free list for all the older loaves exceeds 0.5 times the size of the most recent loaf. Not sure what to do if the freelist for old loaves is very long.

Add a new member function which tidies up the list of freed blocks? This might lead to better locality of reference, and ultimately to better run-time performance if called judiciously.

Could it be worth trying to help preserve locality of reference? Maybe freed slices could be returned to their own loaves. Properly nested alloc/free calls ought to preserve locality anyway.

Perhaps the globals ourInitialDebugLevel and ourInitialVerbosityLevel could be set inside the ctor for GlobalManager??

Member functions of MemPoolFast/Debug do not have names in accordance with the coding conventions. Cannot decide when I should use void* and when I should use slice_t for the arg types.

A potentially useful function could be one which tells the MemPool to check that it is empty (i.e. all allocated blocks have been freed). This is currently implicit in the debugging-mode dtor.

It might be an idea to maintain a registry of all existing MemPools, so that they can be told towards the end of the run that they should all be empty. Otherwise any MemPool which is never destroyed can never give an indication of any leaks of its own slices.

Could there be alignment problems with funny margin sizes? What about machines where pointers are a different size from ints?

The code may silently increase the size of requested blocks so that their lengths are integer multiples of the size of a slice_t. This does mean that writes outside the requested block but within the silently extended block are not detected (in debugging mode) -- I guess that most block sizes are exact multiples anyway, so there is unlikely to be any problem in most practical situations.

Is the function AlreadyFreed working as one would expect? Currently it checks that the margins are those of a freed block, and uses that as the determining criterion. The argument is that an attempt to free a block suggests that user probably thought it hadn't been freed and so the user accessible data area is quite probably corrupted (i.e. not simply full of MEMPOOL_FREE_WORD values). I have also added a call to OverwriteFreeCheck, so that freeing an overwritten already freed block will cause two error messages to be printed. Previously, AlreadyFreed required that the data area be in tact for the block to count as already having been freed; an overwritten freed block would then be detected as an allocated block with corrupted margins. Maybe a memory map for an overwritten freed block would be a useful addition? (similar to that produced for an allocated block with corrupt margins).

The periodical printing of stats is rather crude. To make it more sophisticated will just made the code even more complex though (sigh).

AutoPtrSlice is still very experimental.