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2.4.3 Commands and Functions for STRING
ascii convert between characters and ascii code
ConcatStrings concatenate strings
error throw an error message
fold inset newlines into a long string
FoldToListInput convert string so it looks like a list of short strings
GetEnv access shell variables
ImplicitHypersurface implicitization of hypersurface
ImplicitPlotOn outputs the zero locus of a bivariate polynomial to a file
indets list of indeterminates in a PolyRing
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
len the length of an object
max a maximum element of a sequence or list
min a minimum element of a sequence or list
NewPolyRing create a new PolyRing
NewQuotientRing create a new quotient ring
NewWeylAlgebra create a new Weyl Algebra
OpenIFile open input file
OpenIString open input string
OpenOFile open output file
OpenSocket open a socket connection
operators, shortcuts Special characters equivalent to commands
package keyword marking content of a CoCoA package
PackageOf package of an identifier
PlayCantStop First game in CoCoA
PlotPointsOn outputs the coordinates of the points to a file
PolyAlgebraHom homomorphism of polynomial algebras
PolyRingHom homomorphism of polynomial rings
protect protect a variable from being overwritten
RingElem convert an expression into a RINGELEM
RingElemList, RingElems convert expressions into a LIST of RINGELEM
source read commands from a file or device
SourceRegion read commands from a region in a file
starting list functions starting with a given string
substring substring of a string
SymbolRange range of symbols for the indeterminates of a PolyRing
SystemCommand run a system command
tagged tag an object for pretty printing