



From 11 Jul 2023 to 09 Aug 2023

06 Aug 2023

12:18 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Bug #1758 (Closed): Graeffe "sign bug")
Changed impl John Abbott
12:16 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Slug #1760 (Closed): Quitting can be slow)
First prototype John Abbott
11:27 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Support #1761 (Closed): MakeTermOrdMat: improve error mesg)
Some notes John Abbott

05 Aug 2023

11:24 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Slug #1760 (Closed): Quitting can be slow)
Ought to be easy? John Abbott
11:10 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Support #1759 (New): Better error mesg for
Current state John Abbott
11:08 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Slug #1756 (In Progress): deg(f) is slow if f is long)
Lex? John Abbott
11:04 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Slug #1756 (In Progress): deg(f) is slow if f is long)
Easy task? John Abbott

03 Aug 2023

16:05 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Support #1759 (New): Better error mesg for
Some notes John Abbott

26 Jul 2023

22:15 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Bug #1758 (Closed): Graeffe "sign bug")
Some notes John Abbott
13:52 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Feature #1755 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: give more info?)
Add example John Abbott

25 Jul 2023

19:31 CoCoALib 2.00 hours (Slug #1754 (Closed): IsSqFree poorly implemented)
Improved John Abbott

23 Jul 2023

18:04 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Slug #1757 (New): gcd(f,f) is slow)
Test example John Abbott
18:01 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Slug #1754 (Closed): IsSqFree poorly implemented)
Source code John Abbott

20 Jul 2023

09:32 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Slug #1756 (In Progress): deg(f) is slow if f is long)
Some notes John Abbott

14 Jul 2023

17:46 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1755 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: give more info?)
Maybe not a good idea John Abbott
15:11 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1755 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: give more info?)
Proposal John Abbott

13 Jul 2023

19:54 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1755 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: give more info?)
Some notes John Abbott
16:35 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Slug #1754 (Closed): IsSqFree poorly implemented)
Some notes John Abbott

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