



From 16 Aug 2020 to 14 Sep 2020

14 Sep 2020

18:19 CoCoA-5 Support #1486: Emacs UI: indentation in a package
JAA is uncertain about this.
On the one hand the "strange" indentation of package variable assignments highlights ...
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoA-5 Support #1486 (In Progress): Emacs UI: indentation in a package
Bernhard Andraschko reports the following anomaly.
Inside a package variables are indented, but all other package ...
John Abbott
18:11 CoCoALib Feature #1485 (New): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
The syntax *@R/I@* would be convenient and easy to read.
At the moment I do not see how it could be "dangerous" un...
John Abbott
17:56 CoCoALib Feature #1485 (Resolved): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
John Abbott
17:47 CoCoALib Feature #1485 (New): Simple syntax for making a quotient ring?
Should we allow the syntax *@R/I@* to mean the same as *@NewQuotientRing(R,I)@*?
Discuss, and maybe implement.
John Abbott
18:08 CoCoALib Bug #1484 (Resolved): ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
There are two more suspect creations of ideals: line 325 and 347.
I have changed these too, but am less sure that wh...
John Abbott
18:07 CoCoALib Bug #1484: ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
I have blindly changed the code in @HomomorphismOps.C@.
The problem was in @MakeRichHom@ (and presumably an analogo...
John Abbott
17:38 CoCoALib Bug #1484 (Closed): ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
Bernhard Andraschko reports the following bug:... John Abbott
13:10 CoCoALib Feature #1483 (Feedback): IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Added new function *@IsPowrerOf2@* for @BigRat@. Gives @false@ if arg is not strictly positive.
Impl is simple rath...
John Abbott
13:08 CoCoALib Feature #1483 (Closed): IsPowerOf2 for rationals
Add new function *@IsPowerOf2@* for @BigRat@.
It already exists for @BigInt@.
John Abbott

31 Aug 2020

14:56 CoCoALib Feature #1482: Extended rationals: PlusInfinity and MinusInfinity
Maybe the simple approach is to create two new types: *@PlusInfinityType@* and *@MinusInfinityType@*. Then it should... John Abbott
14:48 CoCoALib Feature #1482 (In Progress): Extended rationals: PlusInfinity and MinusInfinity
The doc for GMP states fairly clearly that the rationals @1/0@ and @-1/0@ can be created, but that they may not be pa... John Abbott
14:02 CoCoALib Feature #1482: Extended rationals: PlusInfinity and MinusInfinity
Some notes:
* what type should these values have? *@BigRat@*? Or Maybe *@ExtendedBigRat@*?
* We'd probably need f...
John Abbott
13:56 CoCoALib Feature #1482 (In Progress): Extended rationals: PlusInfinity and MinusInfinity
Might we be interested in having representations of *@PlusInfinity@* and *@MinusInfinty@*?
This could be useful fo...
John Abbott
14:34 CoCoALib Feature #1176: interval arithmetic
There is a GNU package called MPRIA (multiple precision rational interval arithmetic). It is GPL v3.
It seems not t...
John Abbott

28 Aug 2020

15:40 CoCoALib Support #1481: Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Summary of main changes:
* *changed @BigRat@ ctors*: it is now possible to construct @BigRat@ directly from an integ...
John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Support #1481 (Closed): Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* Redmine Release...
John Abbott
13:47 CoCoALib Support #1196 (In Progress): Split MatrixOps
For "other reasons" I have split off the code related to computing determinants: this code is now in *@MatrixOps-det.... John Abbott

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