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Bug #32: Elim(t, I)
Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
Feature #93: Hilbert series: global output rings for non-standard gradings
Feature #105: Add I*f and f*I (RINGELEM and IDEAL)
Feature #193: BuiltinFunctions.C getting too long (2000 lines)
Bug #226: HilbertBasis segv
Feature #237: port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Feature #306: Function for accessing the pointed value
Feature #318: implement "indent" for modules
Support #325: CoCoAManual: display syntax first
Feature #331: Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
Support #503: CoCoA website: CoCoA-5.0.9 pages
Design #364: Incr command/function
Feature #365: add function to compute minimal generators (like Minimalize)
Support #370: OnlineHelp: Problem with "><" in syntax of CartesianProduct
Feature #371: Resurrect LinearSimplify
Feature #372: add IsFactorClosed
Feature #380: Add Frobby functions to cocoa-5
Feature #392: add Value::from(factorization<..>)
Feature #393: add Value::from(HPSeries)
Bug #394: problem with ContentFreeFactor (and missing manual entry)
Bug #418: What does interreduce do?
Bug #423: Emacs UI: semicolon does not work in emacs-24.3
Bug #443: lambda keyword
Bug #444: Not keyword/operator
Bug #445: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong sometimes (e.g. if Lambda1 is on previous line)
Bug #446: intersection fails with zero ideal
Design #449: Emacs UI: names of emacs fns
Support #450: CoCoA-5.0.9 release (admin, overheads, etc)
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