


CoCoA-5.4.0 (March 2022)

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Support #169: Font for parameters in manual
Feature #250: CoCoALib BuildInfo vs CoCoA-5 VersionInfo
Feature #346: Describe should indicate package name
Support #406: Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
Feature #606: Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
Support #530: Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do"
Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
Design #636: Distinguish indets from symbols in coeffring in Use command
Design #637: Undesirable consequence of automatic mapping of RingElems?
Feature #674: Ring constructor: allow empty range for indices?
Slug #687: Builtin fn makes unnecessary copy of arg
Support #692: Local variables hiding out ones at top level
Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
Support #911: CoCoA-5 prompt for incomplete input
Bug #922: Release for MacOS: compilation on 10.11 incompatible with 10.6.8
Bug #1029: Readline: does not recognize interrupts
Support #1111: CoCoAManual: searching for ?? mat and for ?? matrix give different results
Design #1151: ConcatList or ConcatLists
Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
Design #1194: Rename HilbertBasisKer into LinKerHilbertBasis?
Bug #1200: Package exported function: wrong package name
Support #1214: CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
Bug #1215: RationalSolve: gives "Error: must be non-zero"
Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
Support #1268: Documentation for how to write a CoCoA package
Slug #1270: RationalSolve: use MinPolyQuot instead of elim
Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
Support #1287: Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
Bug #1294: CoCoA-5 tests may fail even if executed correctly
Support #1298: How can user find the indent command?
Bug #1356: CoCoA-5 header files: should use a common prefix for CPP variables which enforce read-once
Slug #1392: ApproxSolve: another slow example
Bug #1396: Website: download page for CoCoA-4 burns CPU
Bug #1397: Crashes if CoCoAHelp.xml is missing
Support #1398: Website: hide/delete all the CoCoA-4 stuff?
Design #1407: Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
Feature #1431: Juxtaposition of string literals
Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
Support #1447: Manual entry for RandomLinearForm
Support #1451: CoCoA Manual: make search keys public
Support #1455: In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
Support #1459: Manual entries for mod and div
Feature #1461: Automatic mapping for multiplication?
Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Support #1478: HilbertBasis: clarify
Feature #1479: CoCoA release for linux: CoCoAInterpreter: with and without libreadline?
Feature #1487: EOF for OpenIFile
Bug #1489: Unhelpful error message for package followed by identifier (without dollar sign)
Design #1493: Automatic ring mapping in assignment?
Design #1495: Package exporting nothing?
Support #1498: Export many names or just one?
Design #1501: testing for syntax errors
Design #1504: OnlineHelp: XMLFileName
Bug #1505: EmacsUI: fix "Go to Error C-c C-p"
Slug #1506: Remove XMLFileName from Main.C
Support #1507: wordlist without OBSOLETE entries?
Feature #1509: RingElems with empty input
Bug #1512: Package with unexpected EOF
Bug #1514: Cocoa crashes when calling RingElems
Feature #1516: substring function
Design #1520: Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
Bug #1524: wrong SystemCommand exit value
Design #1525: CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
Feature #1526: EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
Design #1530: VersionInfo -- better field names?
Bug #1531: CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
Feature #1536: Implement xel?
Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
Design #1540: Double power
Feature #1543: Default path for packages
Design #1546: Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
Design #1550: version number for CoCoA5 snapshot release?
Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
Design #1554: cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
Bug #1567: Radical in non-zero char
Bug #1577: radical: lex order, ERROR: Ring is not standard graded
Bug #1594: Parser bug: missing close square bracket
Bug #1595: Bad input causes crash
Slug #1597: GetRow/GetRows are extraordinarily slow
Feature #1599: ConcatStr
Bug #1610: IsInRadical: some more little bugs
Bug #1613: CRASH with RingHom from FrF
Bug #1614: SourceRegion gives misleading error mesg
Design #1615: apply: remove for RingHom
Bug #1651: SEGV subsets ??
Support #1658: LinKerZZ not documented
Support #1660: Updating file obsolescent.cpkg5: make it easier
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