



From 15 Jun 2020 to 14 Jul 2020

03 Jul 2020

15:28 Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Here are some release notes:
* new fn *@IsEmpty@* (for lists)
* new fn *@RandomSmallPrime@* (exported from CoCoALib...
John Abbott
15:27 Support #1471 (Closed): Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Everything for the release
Compile with *@--debug@* flag, and check that everything runs O...
John Abbott
15:26 Support #1450: Release CoCoA-5.3.2
What is this issue about? How does it differ from #1452?
John Abbott

25 Jun 2020

05:54 Feature #1469: Get indexed indets from a polyring
There should probably be a similar fn available in CoCoALib; this implies that we'll need a type for @INTMAP@.
John Abbott
05:53 Feature #1469: Get indexed indets from a polyring
Note that CoCoA-5 already has the (undocumented?!?) type @INTMAP@ which does exactly what we want.
Just need to ma...
John Abbott
05:45 Feature #1469 (New): Get indexed indets from a polyring
The @using@ feature of CoCoA-4 has been removed in CoCoA-5. This can cause awkwardness when the ring to be used cont... John Abbott

22 Jun 2020

17:59 Feature #1461: Automatic mapping for multiplication?
Here are some more places where *@ERR::MixedRings@* appears in the source -- which of these should be changed?
* *@D...
John Abbott

20 Jun 2020

21:36 Feature #1461 (Resolved): Automatic mapping for multiplication?
I have revised Anna's impl (from a joint design over the phone).
In fact we now have the four arith ops with auto ...
John Abbott
21:33 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
I have partly implemented this (in CoCoALib) after discussions wirh Anna (who is uncertain about some aspects).
John Abbott
21:32 Design #635: Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
The example in comment 1 works with my current "internal" versions of CoCoA5.
John Abbott

16 Jun 2020

16:50 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
See also @
Emacs BUG: It seems...
John Abbott

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