


Design #610

Updated by John Abbott over 4 years ago

I found this is an old email (20101119).

Currently given a freestanding top-level expr C5 evaluates it,
prints the value, and then assigns it to @It@. I discovered
this while trying to track a memory problem: every malloc/free
printed a logging message -- I was surprised to see so many
logging messages appear after the result was printed.

In any case I want to be sure that if printing is interrupted
then I can still rely on the assignment to @It@ having been
completed before the prompt reappears.

A "psychological" disadvantage to assigning to @It@ before
printing the result is that a simple computation could appear to
take a long time if @It@ previously contained a large result
which takes some time to delete.

Opinions? Am I simply creating a problem where none non existed?
