


Bug #699

Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti about 9 years ago

In earlier versions @cocoa5-executable@ was @CoCoAInterpreter@.
Now it is the script @cocoa5@ (and this caused problems on Windows because scripts do not work there).

The @cocoa5@ script works very well for calling the command-line version from any directory.
But this is not necessary for emacs (because emacs needs to be configured anyway).
So, we cannot remember why we did this change: probably to allow spaces in path.

Proposal: change back and test with spaces in path. If it works we can unify Mac/Linux and Windows EmacsUI settings.

*Rejected*: the script @cocoa5@ is used on linux to choose the executable 32/64 bit (May also be used similarly on Mac).
Related issue #698 solved using *system-type*
