


Feature #823

Updated by Anna Maria Bigatti 3 months ago

According to the C5 manual, if we want to create a new poly ring with given weights then we must supply a complete order matrix, and also say how many rows contribute to the weights (the "grading dim").

The examples in @src/CoCoA-5/tests/lecture-HF1.cocoa5@ which use this feature all seem to be of the form:
wts := mat(/*weights matrix*/);
P := NewPolyRing(QQ, indets, CompleteToOrd(wts), NumRows(wts));

Would it not be simpler and clearer to allow the following input:
wts := mat(/*weights matrix*/);
P := NewPolyRing(QQ, indets, wts);
perhaps @wts@ could even be just a list of lists of integers? (though the conversion to a matrix automatically verifies that each row has the same length).

*2024-03* new function name: *NewPolyRingWeights(QQ,"x,y", W);* NewPolyRingWeights(QQ,"x,y",W);
