


Anna Maria Bigatti's activity

From 15 Jan 2022 to 13 Feb 2022

11 Feb 2022

14:36 CoCoALib Bug #1662 (Resolved): txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
It seems that txt2tags has some problems with links to filenames containing "_" or "-".
I found this out trying to m...
Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Feb 2022

14:07 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
This worked for me:... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:05 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
John Abbott wrote:
> Did you try following comment 10?
yes, did not work: @$GMP_INSTALLDIR@ not used, that's why...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:59 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
John Abbott wrote:
> I compiled Normaliz without any problems: here are my notes:
> [...]
They didn't work for m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:29 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
Remember to close (as "admin") the closed releases. (I've just "closed" some old releases) Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Feb 2022

16:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
John Abbott wrote:
> With luck the current instructions will be well tested over the next couple of weeks.
> I hope...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #922: Release for MacOS: compilation on 10.11 incompatible with 10.6.8
Does it still matter?
Should we worry about 10.6? I guess John can still compile it for any user who asks for it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:38 CoCoA-5 Support #1660: Updating file obsolescent.cpkg5: make it easier
Further improvement:
function PrintOBSOLESCENT and OBSOLETE, and variables for CoCoA versions.
Easier for the mai...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
fixed *evalArgAsListOfSymbols*, updated test (@NewPolyRing@) Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Feb 2022

19:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1660 (Feedback): Updating file obsolescent.cpkg5: make it easier
I've added the functions @ObsoleteFunc@ and @ObsolescentFunc@ producing the relevant string.
Now the code is easie...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:19 CoCoA-5 Support #1660 (Closed): Updating file obsolescent.cpkg5: make it easier
The file "obsolescent.cpkg5" is designed to track the latest changes and help the user to keep his code up-to-date.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:59 CoCoALib Design #854: Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
John Abbott wrote:
> I think I have changed the doc too!
I added to the doc (lib+5) a note on the renaming (so th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:26 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
John Abbott wrote:
> Since I am hoping to make a release quite quickly, I prefer to postpone this issue to the next ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:25 CoCoALib Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Yet to be fixed: non homogeneous input.
> (postponed again)
and again
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Jan 2022

09:29 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> syz
even though this was the start of this topic, Syz of a vector should go in submod...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:37 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
I think we should call this SparsePolyOps-VectorRingElem.C, or SparsePolyOps-RingElems.C (too subtle, I fear)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:30 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
In @SparsePolyOps-RingElem@ we also have:
Should these go in @SparsePo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:23 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
I think we should call this SparsePolyOps-VectorRingElem.C, or SparsePolyOps-RingElems.C (too subtle, I fear)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:51 CoCoALib Feature #1654 (New): New function IsInSymbols
We misuse *@AreDistinct@* to test whether a symbol is in a PolyRing.
The advantage is that *@AreDistinct@* sees just...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:00 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Following KISS strategy, I would avoid (possibly) costly operations: e.g. interreduction, duplicates (think of a mono... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Jan 2022

19:25 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
Florian Walsh wrote:
> That makes sense. I was implementing DivAlg which seems to exist only in a cocoa package.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:55 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
The reason why we do not have @LM@ in cocoalib is that we prefer not to make it handy ;-)
Sounds like a joke, but ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:29 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
John Abbott wrote:
> * *@FactorINT_TrialDiv(N,pmax)@* trial division upto @pmax@
> Opinions?
maybe just *@Facto...
Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Jan 2022

15:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651: SEGV subsets ??
On my Mac I get... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:17 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
John Abbott wrote:
> We could also have two ways of creating ideals: _e.g._ @ideal(L)@ and @ideal_DoNotCleanGens(L)@...
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Jan 2022

09:07 CoCoALib Slug #1646: radical: could be more clever
I think that, along the same line -- actually in the previous line ;-)
we should change ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jan 2022

13:06 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Closed): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C with functions interreduced (now in SparsePolyOps-interreduced.C) and syz(vector) (new) Anna Maria Bigatti
12:22 CoCoALib Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
In ideal.C we have *@intersect@* and *@colon@*.
We should add *@saturate@* in the same way.
(similarly, we should...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:14 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Drastic change: @FactorBound, FactorIter@ or @FactorINTBound, FactorINTIter@ or @FactorINT_bound, FactorINT_iter@? Anna Maria Bigatti
10:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #1648 (New): ApproxSolve and RationalSolve take different input
ApproxSolve expects an ideal (0-dim) and RationalSolve a list of polynnomials.
Choose which one we want, and modify ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Jan 2022

09:44 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
John Abbott wrote:
> Right now I would be inclined to change the manual.
> I am not yet convinced that @monic0@ is ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:44 CoCoALib Feature #1645 (In Progress): Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
... Anna Maria Bigatti

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