


Anna Maria Bigatti's activity

From 21 Nov 2020 to 20 Dec 2020

11 Dec 2020

12:30 CoCoA-5 Design #1545: CoeffOfTerm: in CoCoALibSupplement
The code is there, currently commented out.
What we have occasion to use it and test speed in a real contest (when w...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:20 CoCoA-5 Design #1550 (Closed): version number for CoCoA5 snapshot release?
should we have finer numbering?
such as cocoa-5.3.3b?
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:01 CoCoA-5 Design #1544: CoCoA coding conventions for parser/interprer?
Discussion with John: OK, updating the style "as we go".
Keep *@theRing@* & co. for *@intrusive_ptr@* (at least to...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #1174 (In Progress): package of a function --> of an identifier!
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1549 (In Progress): Add sagbi package
I have a package ready for computing sagbi bases.
Confirm syntax and write manual.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:38 CoCoA-5 Design #1546: Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Maybe we could have @print/print .. on ..@ actually printing the function.
I have it ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Dec 2020

08:03 CoCoA-5 Design #1546: Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
Julian Danner wrote:
> sadly CoCoA does not offer a (nice) way to save objects (rings, polys, lists,...) in such a w...
Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Dec 2020

10:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #1543 (Feedback): Default path for packages
Done and tested. cvs-ed.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #1543: Default path for packages
Main.C L279 Anna Maria Bigatti
09:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1543: Default path for packages
This is for running CoCoAInterpreter in terminal, when it is saved in the bin/ directory.
This happens (at least) ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #1543 (Closed): Default path for packages
Now CoCoAInterpreter look for packages (if not specified) in its own directory. Add also the path "../" Anna Maria Bigatti
09:51 CoCoA-5 Design #1544: CoCoA coding conventions for parser/interprer?
I've done it for *@defaultPackageDir@* which is now *@IsDefaultPackageDir@*.
I find it easier, and that's the reason...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:47 CoCoA-5 Design #1544 (New): CoCoA coding conventions for parser/interprer?
Should we (slowly?) adapt parser/interpreter/main to our coding conventions?
Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Nov 2020

16:33 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
I must check what happens for old MacOS
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
John Abbott wrote:
> A possible way to address the problem is to discourage users from typing *@/-@* by making it is...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
I like the idea. We need another mane for the funzion with indices. Anna Maria Bigatti
14:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1536 (In Progress): Implement xel?
Very good reasoning.
Indeed some researchers have opposite standards, calling lex (and degrevlex) what we call xel (...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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