


Elisa Palezzato's activity

From 29 Mar 2018 to 27 Apr 2018

05 Apr 2018

09:29 CoCoA-5 Support #1175 (New): intersection
The intersection of MODULEs need to be exported. Elisa Palezzato
09:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #1174 (Closed): package of a function --> of an identifier!
How to have a function that says in which package is in the input?
Why does not describe have this feature?!
Elisa Palezzato

04 Apr 2018

09:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #1172 (Closed): MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
In case of type MODULE there is:
J := submodule(ModuleOf(X), WithoutNth(L,I));
but it does not allow to v...
Elisa Palezzato

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