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4.9.3 Commands and Functions for Polynomials
The following are commands and functions for polynomials:
Bin binomial coefficient
BringIn bring in objects from another ring
Coefficients list of coefficients of a polynomial or vector
CoeffOfTerm coefficient of a term of a polynomial or vector
Colon ideal or module quotient
Deg the degree of a polynomial or vector
Den denominator
DensePoly the sum of all power-products of a given degree
Der the derivative of a rational function
Discriminant the discriminant of a polynomial
DivAlg division algorithm
Eval substitute numbers or polynomials for indeterminates
Factor factor a polynomial
Fraction returns the quotient of its arguments
GCD greatest common divisor
GenRepr representation in terms of generators
HColon ideal or module quotient
Homogenized homogenize with respect to an indeterminate
Interpolate interpolating polynomial
Inverse multiplicative inverse
IsHomog test whether given polynomials are homogeneous
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
IsTerm checks if the argument is a term
IsZero test whether an object is zero
Jacobian the Jacobian of a list of polynomials
LC the leading coefficient of a polynomial or vector
LCM least common multiple
Len the length of an object
LM the leading monomial of a polynomial or vector
Log the list of exponents of the leading term of a polynomial
LogToTerm returns a monomial (power-product) with given exponents
LPP the leading power-product of a polynomial or vector
LT the leading term of an object
MapDown convert a constant polynomial to a number
MDeg multi-degree of an polynomial
Monic divide polynomials by their leading coefficients
Monomials the list of monomials of a polynomial or vector
NF normal form
NFsAreZero test if normal forms are zero
NR normal reduction
Num numerator
Poly convert an expression into a polynomial
Product the product of the elements of a list
QZP change field for polynomials and ideals
Randomize randomize the coefficients of a given polynomial
Randomized randomize the coefficients of a given polynomial
RealRootRefine refine a real root of a univariate polynomial
RealRoots computes the real roots of a univariate polynomial
RealRootsApprox computes approximations to the real roots of a univariate polynomial
Resultant the resultant of two polynomials
RootBound bound on roots of a polynomial over Q
Size the amount of memory used by an object
StarPrint print polynomial with *'s for multiplications
Subst substitute values for indeterminates
Sum the sum of the elements of a list
Support the list of terms of a polynomial or vector
Sylvester the Sylvester matrix of two polynomials
UnivariateIndetIndex the index of the indeterminate of a univariate polynomial
WLog weighted list of exponents
ZPQ change field for polynomials and ideals

For details look up each item by name. Online, try ?ItemName or H.Syntax("ItemName").