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computes the real roots of a univariate polynomial

RealRoots(F:POLY, Precision:RAT):LIST
RealRoots(F:POLY, Precision:RAT, Interval:[RAT, RAT]):LIST

This function computes isolating intervals for the real roots of a univariate polyomial over Q. It returns the list of the real roots, where a root is represented as a record containing either the exact root (if the fields Inf and Sup are equal), or an open interval (Inf, Sup) containing the root. A third field (called CoeffList) has an obscure meaning.

An optional second argument specifies the maximum width an isolating interval may have. An optional third argument specifies a closed interval in which to search for roots.

The interval represented by a root record may be refined by using the function RealRootRefine . The function RealRootsApprox may be more useful to you: it produces rational approximations to the real roots (but these cannot later be refined).

[Record[CoeffList = [8, -16, 7], Inf = -4, Sup = 0],
Record[CoeffList = [8, 0, -1], Inf = 0, Sup = 4]]
  RR := RealRoots((x^2-2)*(x-1), 10^(-5));
  FloatStr(RR[1].Inf);  -- left end of interval
  FloatStr(RR[1].Sup);  -- right end of interval
  RR := RealRoots(x^2-2, 10^(-20), [0, 2]);
  RR[1].Inf;                               -- incomprehensible
  FloatStr(RR[1].Inf, 20);                 -- comprehensible

See Also