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4.2.5 Commands and Functions for Numbers
The following are commands and functions for numbers:

Abs absolute value of a number
Bin binomial coefficient
BinExp binomial expansion
Den denominator
Div quotient for integers
EvalBinExp binomial expansion functions
EvalHilbertFn evaluate the Hilbert function
Fact factorial function
Fraction returns the quotient of its arguments
GCD greatest common divisor
GCDFreeBasis determine (minimal) GCD free basis of a set of integers
GenericPoints random projective points
ILogBase integer part of the logarithm
Inverse multiplicative inverse
Iroot integer part of r-th root of an integer
IsEven, IsOdd test whether an integer is even or odd
IsNumber checks if the argument is a number
IsPPrime checks if an integer is a probable prime
IsPrime prime integer test
Isqrt (truncated) square root of an integer
IsZero test whether an object is zero
LCM least common multiple
Len the length of an object
Max, Min a maximum or minimum element of a sequence or list
Mod remainder for integers
Mod2Rat reconstructing rationals from modular integers
NextPPrime find the next largest probable prime number
NextPrime find the next largest prime number
Num numerator
Partitions partitions of an integer
Product the product of the elements of a list
Rand random integer
Seed seed for Rand
Size the amount of memory used by an object
Sum the sum of the elements of a list

Abs absolute value of a number
CFApprox continued fractions
CFApproximants continued fractions
ContFrac continued fractions denominators
ContFracToRat convert continued fraction to rational
DecimalStr convert rational number to decimal string
Den denominator
FloatApprox approx. of rational number of the form M*10^E
FloatStr convert rational number to a float string
Fraction returns the quotient of its arguments
ILogBase integer part of the logarithm
Inverse multiplicative inverse
IsNumber checks if the argument is a number
IsZero test whether an object is zero
MantissaAndExponent convert rational number to a float
Max, Min a maximum or minimum element of a sequence or list
Num numerator
Product the product of the elements of a list
Sum the sum of the elements of a list

Fraction returns the quotient of its arguments
Inverse multiplicative inverse
IsNumber checks if the argument is a number
IsZero test whether an object is zero
Mod2Rat reconstructing rationals from modular integers
Product the product of the elements of a list
Sum the sum of the elements of a list

For details look up each item by name. Online, try ?ItemName or H.Syntax("ItemName").