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convert rational number to a float

MantissaAndExponent(X:RAT, Prec:INT):RECORD

This function converts a rational number into a Record with components named Mantissa and Exponent. The value of the Exponent field is the unique integer E such that 1 <= X*10^E <= 10, and the value of Mantissa is the nearest integer to (X*10^E)*10^(Prec-1). As an exception the case of X=0 always produces zero values for both components of the record.

  FloatStr(1/2);         -- trailing zeroes are not suppressed
  MantissaAndExponent(1/2,3);           --  1/2 = 5.00*10^(-1)
Record[Exponent = -1, Mantissa = 500]
  MantissaAndExponent(0.9999, 3);       --  0.9999 rounds up to give 1.00
Record[Exponent = 0, Mantissa = 100]

See Also