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4.4.2 Commands and Functions for Lists
CoCoA provides a variety of commands for manipulating lists. Note in particular the command In which is useful for building lists.

The following are commands and functions for lists:
Append append an object to an existing list
BBasis5 Border Basis of zero dimensional ideal
BlockMatrix create a block matrix
BringIn bring in objects from another ring
CartesianProduct, CartesianProductList Cartesian product of lists
Comp the N-th component of a list
Concat concatenate lists
ConcatLists concatenate a list of lists
Count count the objects in a list
Diff returns the difference between two lists
Distrib the distribution of objects in a list
EqSet checks if the set of elements in two lists are equal
FGLM5 perform a FGLM Groebner Basis conversion
First the first N elements of a list
Flatten flatten a list
GBM intersection of ideals for zero-dimensional schemes
GenericPoints random projective points
Head the first element of a list
HGBM intersection of ideals for zero-dimensional schemes
HIntersection intersection of ideals
HIntersectionList intersection of ideals
IdealAndSeparatorsOfPoints ideal and separators for affine points
IdealAndSeparatorsOfProjectivePoints ideal and separators for points
IdealOfPoints ideal of a set of affine points
IdealOfProjectivePoints ideal of a set of projective points
ImplicitPlot outputs the zero locus of a bivariate polynomial to a file
ImplicitPlotOn outputs the zero locus of a bivariate polynomial to a file
In create a list satisfying given conditions
Insert insert an object in a list
Interpolate interpolating polynomial
Interreduce, Interreduced interreduce a list of polynomials or vectors
Intersection intersect lists, ideals, or modules
IntersectionList intersect lists, ideals, or modules
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
IsSubset checks if the elements of one list are a subset of another
Last the last N elements of a list
Len the length of an object
LexSegmentIdeal lex-segment ideal containing L, or with the same Hilbert fn as I
List convert an expression into a list
MakeMatByRows, MakeMatByCols convert a list into a matrix
MakeSet remove duplicates from a list
Mat convert an expression into a matrix
MatConcatAntiDiag create a simple block matrix
MatConcatDiag create a simple block matrix
MatConcatHor create a simple block matrix
MatConcatVer create a simple block matrix
Max, Min a maximum or minimum element of a sequence or list
Monic divide polynomials by their leading coefficients
NewList create a new list
NonZero remove zeroes from a list
Permutations returns all permutations of the entries of a list
PlotPoints outputs the coordinates of the points to a file
PlotPointsOn outputs the coordinates of the points to a file
PreprocessPts5 Reduce redundancy in a set of approximate points
Product the product of the elements of a list
Remove remove an object in a list
Reverse, Reversed reverse a list
ScalarProduct scalar product
SeparatorsOfPoints separators for affine points
SeparatorsOfProjectivePoints separators for projective points
Size the amount of memory used by an object
SmoothFactor find small prime factors of an integer
Sort sort a list
SortBy sort a list
Sorted sort a list
SortedBy sort a list
StableBBasis5 Stable Border Basis of ideal of points
StableBBasisNBM5 Numerical Border Basis of ideal of points
StableIdeal stable ideal containing L
StronglyStableIdeal strongly stable ideal containing L
Submat submatrix
Subsets returns all sublists of a list
Sum the sum of the elements of a list
Syz syzygy modules
Tail remove the first element of a list
Toric saturate toric ideals
Tuples N-tuples
WithoutNth removes the N-th component from a list

For details look up each item by name. Online, try ?ItemName or H.Syntax("ItemName").