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outputs the coordinates of the points to a file

PlotPointsOn(L: LIST of points, S: STRING)

This function is the same as PlotPoints with a second argument giving the name of the file to print on.

Note that the last argument is a STRING, the name of the file, and not a DEVICE, as for Print On .

  PlotPointsOn([ [1/(X+1/2), X^2-X+14] | X In -10..10], "points");
  ImplicitPlotOn(x^2y - 59/4x^2 + 2x - 1,  [-3,3], [0,250], "curve");
After having produced the plot files using CoCoA-4, start "gnuplot" and then give it the following commands:
  plot "curve"
  replot "points"

See Also