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2.13.2 Commands and Functions for MAT
adj classical adjoint matrix (also known as adjugate)
AdjacentMinors list of adjacent minors of a matrix
AlmostQR QR decomposition of a matrix
ApproxPointsNBM Numerical Border Basis of ideal of points
BlockMat create a block matrix
BlockMat2x2 create a block matrix with 4 matrices
CharPoly characteristic polynomial of a matrix
ConcatAntiDiag create a simple block matrix
ConcatDiag create a simple block matrix
ConcatHor create a simple block matrix
ConcatHorList create a simple block matrix
ConcatVer create a simple block matrix
ConcatVerList create a simple block matrix
det the determinant of a matrix
eigenfactors eigenfactors of a matrix
eigenvectors eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
ElimHomogMat matrix for elimination ordering
ElimMat matrix for elimination ordering
eval substitute numbers or polynomials for indeterminates
FGLM5 perform a FGLM Groebner Basis conversion
FrobeniusNormSq Frobenius norm of a matrix
GetCol convert a column of a matrix into a list
GetCols convert a matrix into a list of lists
GetRow convert a row of a matrix into a list
GetRows convert a matrix into a list of lists
GFanContainsPositiveVector ...
GFanGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace ...
GFanGeneratorsOfSpan ...
GFanGetAmbientDimension ...
GFanGetCodimension ...
GFanGetDimension ...
GFanGetDimensionOfLinealitySpace ...
GFanGetFacets ...
GFanGetImpliedEquations ...
GFanGetUniquePoint ...
GFanRelativeInteriorPoint relative interior point of a cone
GraverBasis Graver basis
HadamardBoundSq Hadamard bound for determinant
HilbertBasisKer Hilbert basis for a monoid
HilbertSeriesMultiDeg the Hilbert-Poincare series wrt a multigrading
IdealOfPoints ideal of a set of affine points
IdealOfProjectivePoints ideal of a set of projective points
inverse multiplicative inverse of matrix
IsAntiSymmetric checks if a matrix is anti-symmetric
IsDiagonal checks if a matrix is diagonal
IsPositiveGrading check if a matrix defines a positive grading
IsSymmetric checks if a matrix is symmetric
IsTermOrdering check if a matrix defines a term-ordering
IsZero test whether an object is zero
IsZeroCol, IsZeroRow test whether a column(row) is zero
IsZeroDet test whether determinant is zero
LinKer find the kernel of a matrix
LinKerBasis find the kernel of a matrix
LinKerZZ find the kernel of a matrix
LinSolve find a solution to a linear system
MakeTermOrdMat Make a term order matrix from a given matrix
matrix convert a list into a matrix
minors list of minor determinants of a matrix
MinPoly minimal polynomial of a matrix
NewFreeModule create a new FreeModule
NewPolyRing create a new PolyRing
NmzDiagInvariants ring of invariants of a diagonalizable group action
NmzFiniteDiagInvariants ring of invariants of a finite group action
NmzHilbertBasis Hilbert Basis of a monoid
NmzHilbertBasisKer Hilbert basis for a monoid
NmzIntersectionValRings intersection of ring of valuations
NmzTorusInvariants ring of invariants of torus action
NumCols number of columns in a matrix
NumRows number of rows in a matrix
operators, shortcuts Special characters equivalent to commands
pfaffian the Pfaffian of a skew-symmetric matrix
power compute a power
PreprocessPts Reduce redundancy in a set of approximate points
product the product of the elements of a list
RingOf the ring of the object
RingsOf list of the rings of an object
rk rank of a matrix or module
rref reduced row echelon form of a matrix
SetCol set a list as a column into a matrix
SetEntry set an entry into a matrix
SetRow set a list as a row into a matrix
submat submatrix
sum the sum of the elements of a list
SwapCols swap two columns in a matrix
SwapRows swap two rows in a matrix
toric saturate toric ideals
transposed the transposition of a matrix