up previous next
2.2.2 Commands and Functions for INT
abs absolute value of a number
AdjacentMinors list of adjacent minors of a matrix
AffHilbertFn the affine Hilbert function
ArrBoolean boolean arrangement
ArrBraid braid arrangement
ArrCatalanA Catalan arrangement of type A
ArrCatalanB Catalan arrangement of type B
ArrCatalanD Catalan arrangement of type D
ArrShiA Shi arrangement of type A
ArrShiB Shi arrangement of type B
ArrShiCatalanA Shi-Catalan arrangement of type A with multiplicities
ArrShiCatalanB Shi-Catalan arrangement of type B with given multiplicities
ArrShiCatalanD Shi-Catalan arrangement of type D with given multiplicities
ArrShiD Shi arrangement of type D
ArrTypeB reflection arrangement of type B
ArrTypeD reflection arrangement of type D
ascii convert between characters and ascii code
AsINT convert into an INT
AsRAT convert into a RAT
binomial binomial coefficient
BinomialRepr, BinomialReprShift binomial representation of integers
CatalanNumber Catalan number
ChebyshevPoly Orthogonal Polynomials: Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre
ContFracToRat convert continued fraction to rational
CoprimeFactor determine factor of N coprime to given base
CoprimeFactorBasis determine coprime factor base for a set of integers or ring elements
CRT Chinese Remainder Theorem
CRTPoly Chinese Remainder Theorem on polynomial coefficients
cyclotomic n-th cyclotomic polynomial
DecimalStr convert rational number to decimal string
den denominator
DensePoly the sum of all power-products of a given degree
DicksonPoly Dickson polynomial
div quotient for integers
ElimMat matrix for elimination ordering
EulerTotient Euler Totient function for positive integers
EvalHilbertFn evaluate the Hilbert function
exponents the list of exponents of the leading term of a polynomial
Ext presentation Ext modules as quotients of free modules
factorial factorial function
FactorINT find prime factors of an integer
FactorMultiplicity multiplicity of a factor of an integer
fibonacci n-th fibonacci number
first the first N elements of a list
flatten flatten a list
FloatApprox approx. of rational number of the form M*2^E
FloatStr convert rational number to a decimal string
FloorLog2, FloorLog10, FloorLogBase integer part of the logarithm
FloorRoot integer part of r-th root of an integer
FloorSqrt (truncated) square root of an integer
fold inset newlines into a long string
FoldToListInput convert string so it looks like a list of short strings
format convert object to formatted string
GBasis TimeOut compute a Groebner basis with a timeout
gcd greatest common divisor
GenericPoints random projective points
GetCol convert a column of a matrix into a list
GetRow convert a row of a matrix into a list
graeffe graeffe transformation (squares the roots)
HermitePoly Orthogonal Polynomials: Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre
HilbertFn the Hilbert function
HilbertMat create a Hilbert matrix over QQ
HomogCompt homogeneous part of given degree
IdentityMat the identity matrix
incr, decr increment/decrement a counter
indent, IndentStr prints in a more readable way
indet individual indeterminates
insert [OBSOLESCENT] [OBSOLESCENT] insert an object in a list
InverseSystem Inverse system of an ideal of derivations
IsCoprime checks if two elements are coprime
IsDivisible checks if A is divisible by B
IsEven, IsOdd test whether an integer is even or odd
IsInteger check if a RINGELEM is integer
IsLRSDegenerateOrder checks the given polynomial for n-LRS-degeneracy
IsMinusOne test whether an object is -1
IsOne test whether an object is one
IsPowerOf2 check if an integer is a power of 2
IsPrime prime integer test
IsProbPrime checks if an integer is a probable prime
IsSigmaGoodPrime check if INT is good prime for IDEAL
IsSqFree check if an INT or RINGELEM is square-free
IsSquare check if an INT is a square
IsZero test whether an object is zero
IsZeroCol, IsZeroRow test whether a column(row) is zero
KroneckerSymbol Kronecker symbol of R mod M
LaguerrePoly Orthogonal Polynomials: Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre
last the last N elements of a list
lcm least common multiple
LexMat matrices for std. term-orderings
MakeMatByRows, MakeMatByCols convert a list into a matrix
MakeTerm returns a monomial (power-product) with given exponents
MakeTermOrdMat Make a term order matrix from a given matrix
MantissaAndExponent10 convert rational number to a float
MantissaAndExponent2 convert rational number to a binary float
max a maximum element of a sequence or list
min a minimum element of a sequence or list
minors list of minor determinants of a matrix
mod remainder for integers
MoebiusFn Moebius function mu on the whole numbers
NewFreeModule create a new FreeModule
NewList create a new list
NewMat Zero matrix
NewMatFilled matrix filled with value
NewPolyRing create a new PolyRing
NewRingTwinFloat create a new twin-float ring
NewZZmod create a new finite ring (integers mod N)
NextPrime, NextProbPrime find the next prime number
NmzSetVerbosityLevel Set the verbosity state for Normaliz
num numerator
NumPartitions number of partitions of an integer
OpenSocket open a socket connection
operators, shortcuts Special characters equivalent to commands
partitions partitions of an integer
PosetJoin join between two elements of a poset from the relations of the poset
PosetMeet meet between two elements of a poset from the relations of the poset
PosetNRank rank of the node N from the relations of the graded poset
power compute a power
PowerMod compute a modular power efficiently
PrevPrime, PrevProbPrime find the previous prime number
PrimitiveRoot find a primitive root modulo a prime
primorial primorial function
product the product of the elements of a list
radical radical of an ideal
random random integer
RandomLinearForm random linear form in polynomial ring
RandomNBitPrime Random prime with N bits
RandomPermutation random permutation (of indices)
RandomSmallPrime Random prime between 5 and N
RandomSparseNonSing01Mat random sparse non-singular (0,1) matrix
RandomSubset random subset
RandomSubsetIndices indices for random subset
RandomTuple random tuple
RandomTupleIndices indices for random tuples
RandomUnimodularMat random unimodular matrix
RatReconstructByContFrac rational reconstruction from modular image
RatReconstructByLattice rational reconstruction from modular image
RatReconstructPoly Rational reconstruction of polynomial coefficents
RatReconstructWithBounds deterministic rational reconstruction from modular image
RelNotes print the release notes
remove remove an object in a list
reseed reseed the pseudo-random number generator
RevLexMat matrix for rev lex term-ordering
RingElem convert an expression into a RINGELEM
RingQQt pre-defined polynomial rings
RootBound bound on roots of a polynomial over QQ
SAGBI, SAGBIHomog SAGBI bases for subalgebra
SatSAGBI SAGBI bases for subalgebra
ScientificStr convert integer/rational to a floating-point string
SectionalMatrix sectional matrix
SetCol set a list as a column into a matrix
SetEntry set an entry into a matrix
SetRow set a list as a row into a matrix
SetStackSize secret ;-)
SetVerbosityLevel set the verbosity level
sign the sign of a number
SleepFor Make program sleep for a specified time
SmallestNonDivisor find smallest prime which does not divide an integer
SmoothFactor [OBSOLESCENT] [OBSOLESCENT] see FactorINT TrialDiv variant
SourceRegion read commands from a region in a file
spaces return a string of spaces
SprintTrunc convert to a string and truncate
StdDegLexMat matrix for std deg lex term-ordering
StdDegRevLexMat matrix for std deg rev lex term-ordering
submat submatrix
subsets returns all sublists of a list
substring substring of a string
sum the sum of the elements of a list
SwapCols swap two columns in a matrix
SwapRows swap two rows in a matrix
SwinnertonDyerPoly compute Swinnerton-Dyer polynomial with given roots
SymbolRange range of symbols for the indeterminates of a PolyRing
syz syzygy modules
tuples N-tuples
WithoutNth removes the N-th component from a list
XelMat matrices for std. term-orderings
ZeroMat matrix filled with 0