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IndetSymbols    --    the names of the indeterminates in a PolyRing

IndetSymbols(P: RING): RECORD

This function returns the list of the symbols in a polynomial ring. A symbol is a record with head (as IndetName ) and indices (as IndetSubscripts )

/**/  use R ::= QQ[x,y,z];
/**/  indent(IndetSymbols(R));
  record[head := "x", indices := []],
  record[head := "y", indices := []],
  record[head := "z", indices := []]

/**/  use R ::= QQ[a, x[1..3]];
/**/  indent(IndetSymbols(R));
  record[head := "a", indices := []],
  record[head := "x", indices := [1]],
  record[head := "x", indices := [2]],
  record[head := "x", indices := [3]]

See Also