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5.1.2 Setting Options
Each option name is unique, not just among the options in a particular panel, but among the options from all panels. The command Set followed by an option name (without parentheses or quotes) sets the corresponding option to TRUE. Similarly, Unset sets the option to FALSE. In addition, one may use the Set command to set an option either true or false using the syntax: Set option-name := TRUE or Set option-name := TRUE.

  Use R ::= QQ[x,y,z];
  L := [(x+y)^N | N In 1..3];
  Set Indentation;  -- print each component on a separate line
  x + y,
  x^2 + 2xy + y^2,
  x^3 + 3x^2y + 3xy^2 + y^3]
  Unset Indentation;
The function Option takes as parameter an option name and returns the (boolean) value of the option. It is particularly useful within user-defined functions as illustrated in the example below:

  Define Print_UnIndented(X)
    Opt := Option(Indentation);
    Unset Indentation;
    Print X;
    Set Indentation := Opt;

  R := Record[X="test", L=[1,2,3]];
  Set Indentation;
Record[L = [1, 2, 3], X = "test"]
  UnSet Indentation;
Record[L = [1, 2, 3], X = "test"]