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4.6.2 Commands and Functions for Vectors
The following are commands and functions for vectors:
BringIn bring in objects from another ring
CoeffOfTerm coefficient of a term of a polynomial or vector
Colon ideal or module quotient
ColumnVectors the list of column vectors of a matrix
Comp the N-th component of a list
Comps list of components of a vector
Deg the degree of a polynomial or vector
DivAlg division algorithm
E_ canonical vector
FirstNonZero the first non-zero entry in a vector
FirstNonZeroPos the first non-zero entry in a vector
GenRepr representation in terms of generators
HColon ideal or module quotient
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
IsTerm checks if the argument is a term
IsZero test whether an object is zero
LC the leading coefficient of a polynomial or vector
Len the length of an object
List convert an expression into a list
LM the leading monomial of a polynomial or vector
LPos the position of the leading power-product in a vector
LPP the leading power-product of a polynomial or vector
LT the leading term of an object
Mat convert an expression into a matrix
Monomials the list of monomials of a polynomial or vector
NewVector create a new vector
NF normal form
NFsAreZero test if normal forms are zero
NonZero remove zeroes from a list
NR normal reduction
NumComps the number of components of a vector
Product the product of the elements of a list
ScalarProduct scalar product
Size the amount of memory used by an object
Sum the sum of the elements of a list
Support the list of terms of a polynomial or vector
Vector create a vector

For details look up each item by name. Online, try ?ItemName or H.Syntax("ItemName").