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4.1.2 Commands and Functions for Booleans
The following are commands and functions for booleans:
EqSet checks if the set of elements in two lists are equal
IsAntiSymmetric checks if a matrix is anti-symmetric
IsDefined check if an expression has been defined
IsDiagonal checks if a matrix is diagonal
IsEven, IsOdd test whether an integer is even or odd
IsHomog test whether given polynomials are homogeneous
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
IsLexSegment checks if an ideal is lex-segment
IsNumber checks if the argument is a number
IsPositiveGrading check if a matrix defines a positive grading
IsPPrime checks if an integer is a probable prime
IsPrime prime integer test
Isqrt (truncated) square root of an integer
IsServerReady checks if CoCoAServer is running
IsStable checks if an ideal is stable
IsStronglyStable checks if an ideal is strongly stable
IsSubset checks if the elements of one list are a subset of another
IsSymmetric checks if a matrix is symmetric
IsTerm checks if the argument is a term
IsTermOrdering check if a matrix defines a term-ordering
IsZero test whether an object is zero
Not, And, Or boolean operators

For details look up each item by name. Online, try ?ItemName or H.Syntax("ItemName").