COmputational COmmutative Algebra
International School on Computer Algebra

Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy
May 31 -- June 5, 1999

COCOA Home Page

First Announcement -- 11 December, 1998

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce that the Sixth Edition of the biennial COCOA meetings will take place this coming June 1999 in the Villa Gualino, situated in the hills of the city of Turin in northern Italy.

This year will see some innovations in the style of the proceedings. The COCOA meeting proper will be preceded by a three and a half day intensive School on Computer Algebra, offered to a limited number of doctoral students and recent post doctoral fellows. The School will be followed by two and a half days of the COCOA meeting, in its more usual format, i.e. invited lectures, contributed papers and demonstrations of computer algebra systems.

Now for the details:



There will be two intensive courses offered in the School:

Course A:Monomial IdealsB. Sturmfels
Course B:Ideals of PointsA. Geramita, L. Robbiano

(Assistants for the Courses: A. Bigatti, M. Kreuzer)

There is space for at most 18 participants, who should currently be enrolled in a doctoral programme somewhere in the world or be recent post doctoral fellows. All students who are accepted for admission to the School will receive a scholarship which will cover some of the expenses associated with their participation. Those wishing to participate in the School should submit a LETTER OF APPLICATION by email to either

Lorenzo Robbiano
Anthony Geramita or

Included in this Letter of Application should be the (email) address of one mathematician who can act as referee for the application as well as a statement as to why the application is being made.

Applications should be submitted by March 1, 1999 and the final decisions will be made by March 15, 1999 by the Organizing Committee (V. Ancona, A. Conte, A. Geramita, L. Robbiano).

Those accepted to participate in the School are expected to arrive at the Villa Gualino by Sunday evening, May 30 (as the courses will begin on Monday morning) and remain at least until midday on Thursday, June 3. All participants in the School are encouraged (but not obliged) to remain for the COCOA VI meeting, which will begin in the afternoon of June 3.


As mentioned above, the COCOA VI meeting will formally begin on Thursday afternoon (June 3) and continue until Saturday afternoon (June 5). The meeting will take place in the Villa Gualino.

There is space in the programme for a limited number of research communications and demonstrations. We encourage potential speakers to submit abstracts for consideration by the Organizers. They should be submitted by email to either Geramita or Robbiano at the email addresses given above.


The business of the conference, as well as the lodging of all conference and school participants, will be in the Villa Gualino.

The Villa is located in the Turin Hills, a beautiful part of the city of Turin. Turin was the royal city of the House of Savoy, the ruling family of the old Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia, and first capital of a united Italy. The Turin Hills were the favourite residential area of the nobles who frequented the Savoyard Court and so the hills are dotted with gracious villas. The beautiful setting should not diminish the enjoyment of the mathematics presented!

Turin is easily accessible both by train, plane and automobile. There are "supertrains" from Paris and Rome which stop in Turin ("Torino" in Italian) and the Turin airport is served by direct flights from the most important European Airports.

How to get to Villa Gualino

More information about costs, method of payment, registration fees etc. will come in the next announcement.

This announcement, as well as all future announcements about both the School and the COCOA meeting, will also be posted at:

We look forward to seeing you in June at the Villa Gualino.

Best regards,
Tony Geramita, Lorenzo Robbiano

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to us.

Past conferences: