13-17th August 2018
Hyperplane arrangements and computations with CoCoA
Sapporo, Japan

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Lecturers and topics

John Abbott and Anna Maria Bigatti Computational Commutative Algebra
Elisa Palezzato and Michele Torielli CoCoA Tutorials
Masahiko Yoshinaga Hyperplane arrangements
All lecturers will propose some exercises. For the final evaluation, students must submit one exercise for each lecturer by 31st August 2018.

Notes, slides, tutorials, exercises, news


lecturelecture (lunch)tutorial
8:45-10:1510:30-12:00 13:00-14:30
13 August YoshinagaAbbottAbbott
14 August YoshinagaBigattiPalezzato
15 August YoshinagaBigattiPalezzato
16 August YoshinagaBigattiTorielli
17 August YoshinagaBigattiTorielli
The first lecture (13th August, 8:45) will start with an introduction on this summer school by Michele Torielli.