
© 2007,2021 John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index


User documentation for files assert.H and assert.C

The file assert.H defines two preprocessor macros (ugh!):

We use the macro CoCoA_ASSERT_ALWAYS in the CoCoALib tests. Many internal CoCoALib functions use CoCoA_ASSERT for extra arg checking when CoCoA_DEBUG is set.

The CoCoA_ASSERT macro does absolutely nothing (not even evaluating its argument) unless the compilation flag CoCoA_DEBUG is set. If that flag is set then the macro evaluates its argument to a boolean result which is then tested: if the result is true nothing further happens; if the result is false then the function CoCoA::AssertionFailed is called with some arguments indicating which CoCoA_ASSERT macro call obtained the false value. The AssertionFailed function prints out an informative message on std::cerr and then throws a CoCoA::ERR::AssertFail exception.


During debugging, a debugger can be used to intercept calls to the function CoCoA::AssertionFailed which will stop the program just before throwing the CoCoA::ERR::AssertFail exception. This should enable one to find more easily the cause of the problem.

For example, in gdb type

  break CoCoA::AssertionFailed

and then go up (perhaps repeatedly) to the offending line.

Maintainer documentation for files assert.H and assert.C

The macro name CoCoA_ASSERT is rather cumbersome, but must contain the prefix CoCoA_ since macro names cannot be placed in C++ namespaces. The two definitions of the macro (debugging and non-debugging cases) both look rather clumsy, but are done that way so that the macro expands into an expression which is syntactically a simple command. The definition for the ALWAYS macro I took from /usr/include/assert.h.

The purpose of the procedure AssertionFailed is explained above in the user documentation (to facilitate interception of failed assertions). The procedure never returns; instead it throws a CoCoALib exception with code ERR::AssertFail. Before throwing the exception it prints out a message on std::cerr summarising what the assertion was, and where it was. Note the non-standard way of throwing the CoCoA exception: this allows the ErrorInfo object to refer to the file and line where CoCoA_ASSERT was called (rather then to the line in assert.C where CoCoA_THROW_ERROR is called). The entire printed message is assembled into an ostringstream before being printed to ensure exception safety: either the whole message is printed or none of it is, since the printing step is an atomic operation.

Bugs, Shortcomings, and other ideas

Is the exception safe implementation of AssertionFailed excessive?

You have to use explicitly #ifdef CoCoA_DEBUG if you want to have a loop or any other non-trivial piece of code executed only when debugging it turned on.

The following (simplified but real) code excerpt is mildly problematic:

    bool OK = ....;

When compiled without debugging (i.e. CoCoA_DEBUG is zero) the compiler (gcc-3) complains that the variable OK is unusued. It does not appear to be possible to make the macro "depend on its argument" in the non-debugging case without incurring the run-time cost of evaluating the argument (if the argument is just a variable the cost is negligible, but if it is a more complex expression then the cost could be considerable). The solution adopted was to modify the calling code like this:

    bool OK;
    OK = ....;

Note that the apparently simpler code below will not work if the elided code (i.e. the ....) has a side effect since the elided code will not be called at all in the non-debugging case:


POSSIBLE SOLUTION: maybe CoCoA_ASSERT could compute sizeof(...) in the non-debugging case -- this should avoid evaluation of the argument, and will compile away to nothing. DISADVANTAGE this may require extra include directives which could (in principle) be activated only if CoCoA_DEBUG is set. Also it did not work well for MatrixFpNonRed because there are data-member which exist only if CoCoA_DEBUG is set.