
© 2005,2010-2013 John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index

User documentation for SmallFpDoubleImpl

The class SmallFpDoubleImpl is a very low level implementation class for fast arithmetic in a small, prime finite field. It is not intended for use by casual CoCoALib users, who should instead see the documentation in QuotientRing (in particular the function NewZZmod), or possibly the documentation in RingFp, RingFpLog, and RingFpDouble.

Compared to SmallFpImpl the main difference is an implementation detail: values are represented as doubles -- on 32-bit computers this allows a potentially usefully greater range of characteristics at a probably minor run-time cost.

All operations on values must be effected by calling member functions of the SmallFpDoubleImpl class. Here is a brief summary.

    SmallFpDoubleImpl::IsGoodCtorArg(p);   // true iff ctor SmallFpDoubleImpl(p) will succeed
    SmallFpDoubleImpl::ourMaxModulus();    // largest permitted modulus
    SmallFpDoubleImpl ModP(p, convention); // create SmallFpDoubleImpl object
    long n;
    BigInt N;
    BigRat q;
    SmallFpImpl::value_t a, b, c;
    ModP.myModulus();         // value of p (as a long)
    ModP.myReduce(n);         // reduce mod p
    ModP.myReduce(N);         // reduce mod p
    ModP.myReduce(q);         // reduce mod p
    ModP.myExport(a);         // returns a preimage (of type long) according to symm/non-neg convention.
    ModP.myNegate(a);         // -a mod p
    ModP.myAdd(a, b);         // (a+b)%p;
    ModP.mySub(a, b);         // (a-b)%p;
    ModP.myMul(a, b);         // (a*b)%p;
    ModP.myDiv(a, b);         // (a*inv(b))%p;  where inv(b) is inverse of b
    ModP.myPower(a, n);       // (a^n)%p;  where ^ means "to the power of"
    ModP.myIsZeroAddMul(a,b,c) // a = (a+b*c)%p; result is (a==0)

For myExport the choice between least non-negative and symmetric residues is determined by the convention specified when constructing the SmallFpDoubleImpl object. This convention may be either GlobalSettings::SymmResidues or GlobalSettings::NonNegResidues.

Maintainer documentation for SmallFpDoubleImpl

Most functions are implemented inline, and no sanity checks are performed (except when CoCoA_DEBUG is enabled). The constructor does do some checking. The basic idea is to use the extra precision available in doubles to allow larger prime finite fields than are permitted when 32-bit integers are used for all arithmetic. If fast 64-bit arithmetic becomes widespread then this class will probably become obsolete (unless you have a very fast floating point coprocessor?).

SmallFpDoubleImpl::value_t is simply double. Note that the values are always non-negative integers with maximum value less than myModulusValue; i.e. each residue class is represented (internally) by its least non-negative member.

To avoid problems with overflow the constructor checks that all integers from 0 to p*p-p can be represented exactly. We need to allow numbers as big as p*p-p so that myIsZeroAddMul can be implemented easily.

It is not strictly necessary that myModulusValue be prime, though division becomes only a partial map if myModulusValue is composite. I believe it is safest to insist that myModulusValue be prime.

Bugs, Shortcomings, and other ideas

The implementation is simplistic -- I wanted to dash it off quickly before going on holiday :-)