
© 2008,2015 Anna Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index

User Documentation

This is very preliminary documentation. These functions are about matrices which define term orderings. They expect and return matrices over RingZZ.




Let M be a matrix over RingZZ or RingQQ with integer entries.

Maintainer Documentation

The impl for LexMat is trivial: it is just an IdentityMat. Now that ConstMatrix is available, the impls for XelMatImpl, RevLexImpl, StdDegLex and StdDegRevLex are quite straightforward (but a bit lengthy).

Currently we use the "sparse" matrix for StdDevRevLex; we may later change it to the non-neg matrix.

IsTermOrdering is essentially the same as testing IsPositiveGrading on the whole matrix; this is what the impl does!

Bugs, Shortcomings, and other ideas

Doc is woefully incomplete.

Main changes