
© 2017-2022 John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

CoCoALib Documentation Index


User documentation for CpuTimeLimit

An object of type CpuTimeLimit may be used to "limit" the CPU time taken by a computation: if the computation takes too long then an exception (of type CoCoA::TimeoutException) is thrown.

When creating a CpuTimeLimit object you must specify a time limit in seconds as a positive double: e.g. CpuTimeLimit CheckTime(10).

You must tell the CheckTime object explicitly when it should check whether the time limit has been reached by calling CheckTime(), i.e. by calling its member function operator(). If the time limit has been reached, it throws an exception of type CoCoA::TimeoutException (derived from CoCoA::ErrorInfo); otherwise the call does nothing (other than the check).

The typical use is with a potentially long loop. Just before the loop one creates the CpuTimeLimit object, then at the start of each iteration inside the loop one calls operator().

IMPORTANT CoCoALib checks for timeout only when the member function CpuTimeLimit::operator() is called; so CoCoALib will not notice that time-out has occurred between successive calls to operator().

It is possible to use a single CpuTimeLimit object for several loops, but then it is best to call myPrepareForNewLoop just before entering each new loop; the variability of the iterations of that loop can be specified.

An optional second parameter to the ctor specifies the "variability" of time between successive iterations: e.g. if the checks are in a loop where each iteration takes more or less the same time then the variability is low (IterationVariability::low); if the iterations can vary greatly in computation time then the variability is high (IterationVariability::high); by default the variability is medium (IterationVariability::medium).


There is one real constructor, and one pseudo-constructor:

Variability should be: IterationVariability::low if successive iterations take more or less the same time; IterationVariability::high if successive iterations can take widely differing amounts of time. The default is IterationVariability::medium which indicates some sort of compromise.


Let CheckForTimeout be an object of type CpuTimeLimit. There are two operations:


There is one class for exceptions:

The class TimeoutException derives from ErrorInfo.

Maintainer documentation

This is the fourth design. The first was based on SIGVTALRM, but it was not clear how portable that would be. The second was based on CheckForInterrupt, but the calls to CpuTime were too costly (and it depended on a global variable). The third design was based on ProgressReporter: it assumed that the times between successive clock checks do not vary too much. This new fourth design revises the third, and lets the caller specify the "variability" of time between successive checks.

The idea is to check the actual cpu time only occasionally, and not every time operator() is called. It uses a similar strategy to that of ProgressReporter; based on the variability, a "proper check" is performed only every few times operator() is called. The number of "ignored" calls uses an estimate of how many iters can safely be performed before the next "proper check" -- this assumes that calls to operator() occur at fairly regular intervals.

The private data field myInterval has a special role if its value is negative: it means that the CpuTimeLimit object has infinite time-out, so should never check cpu usage.

Bugs, shortcomings and other ideas

Perhaps offer a version which uses only elapsed time? This should be easy to implement!

Inconvenient having to pass CpuTimeLimit as explicit parameters; but how else to do this in a threadsafe way?

A normal call to CpuTime() may not work as desired in a multithreaded context. It is not clear how to solve this portably.

Main changes