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1.3.3 Reserved Names
***** NOT YET UPDATED TO CoCoA-5: follow with care *****

The names in the following tables are reserved and cannot be used otherwise. The names in the first table are case insensitive (e.g. CLEAR, Clear and ClEaR are all reserved). The names in the second table are case sensitive.

...work in progress...
    | Alias      And      Block       Ciao      Define   |
    | Describe   Do       Elif        Else      End      |
    | EndBlock   EndTry               EndDefine EndFor   |
    | EndForeach EndIf    EndPackage  EndRepeat EndUsing |
    | EndWhile   Eof      False       For       Foreach  |
    | Global     Help     If          In        IsIn     |
    | NewLine    Not      On          Or        Package  |
    | Print      PrintLn  Quit        Repeat    Record   |
    | Return     Set      Skip        Source    Step     |
    | Then       Time     To          True      Unset    |
    | Until      use      Using       Var       While    |
    | QQ         ZZ                                      |
           Case insensitive reserved names

    | BOOL      DegLex  DegRevLex  DEVICE  ERROR      |
    | FUNCTION  IDEAL   INT        LIST    Lex        |
    | MAT       MODULE  NULL       Null    PANEL      |
    | POLY      PosTo   RAT        RATFUN  RING       |
    | Xel       ZMOD                                  |
            Case sensitive reserved names