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2.16.2 Printing a Tagged Object
Suppose the object E is tagged with the string S. When one tries to print E---say with Print E--- CoCoA looks for a user-defined function with name Print_S. If no such function is available, CoCoA prints E as if it were not tagged, otherwise, it executes Print_S.

/**/  L := ["Dave", "March 14", 1959, 372];
/**/  M := tagged(L,"MiscData");

/**/  Define SpecialPrinting(Dev, Obj)
/**/    Print Obj[1],"'s birthday is: ", Obj[2] on Dev;
/**/  EndDefine;

/**/  PrintTagged := record[MiscData := SpecialPrinting];

/**/  Print M;
Dave's birthday is: March 14