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2.9.9 Commands and Functions returning RING
BaseRing the base ring of a ring
codomain codomain of a homomorphism
CoeffRing the ring of coefficients of a polynomial ring
CurrentRing the current ring
domain domain of a homomorphism
NewFractionField create a new fraction field
NewPolyRing create a new PolyRing
NewQuotientRing create a new quotient ring
NewRingTwinFloat create a new twin-float ring
NewWeylAlgebra create a new Weyl Algebra
NewZZmod create a new finite ring (integers mod N)
operators, shortcuts Special characters equivalent to commands
QQ the ring of rationals
RingOf the ring of the object
RingQQ the ring of rationals
RingQQt pre-defined polynomial rings
RingsOf list of the rings of an object
RingZZ the ring of integers
ZZ the ring of integers