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ImportByRef, ImportByValue    --    import an external local variable by reference or value

ImportByRef X;
ImportByValue X;
  where X is the name of a variable in the containing scope.

These commands can be used only inside anonymous functions (see func ).

These commands "import" an external, non-top-level variable by reference or value. ImportByValue creates a variable inside the anon func with the given name, and its initial value is taken from the external variable of the same name in the context the anonymous function is defined. In contrast, ImportByRef creates a reference (from inside the anon func) to the named external variable in the context where the anon func is defined.

See TopLevel for accessing top-level variables.

NOTE: Package variables should be accessed directly (via their fully qualified names); they cannot be imported.

/**/  define add(X)
/**/    AnonFn := func(Y) ImportByValue X; return X+Y; EndFunc;
/**/    return AnonFn;
/**/  EndDefine;
/**/  add3 := add(3);
/**/  add3(2);

See Also